Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

It happened to me 2 times today, first time there was a guy that was on tavern 1 with a single dragon on board the entire match (his health didn’t change at all) and he wasn’t eliminated and, second time we remained 3 players in the lobby and every fight was woth the same dude until i got 3rd place (and he remained first at the end)

Well I should have come 1st 2 times now, at least I’m not the only one so may it sort of balances out.

Finally got to the top 2 as Toki and the game ended with me in second place.
Top player had not fought anyone in a while and his match history looked bugged.
I finished off 3rd place and the game forced me into second.
Soooo frustrating.

Ever wonder why they keep these things in “beta” tag? It’s so they are not responsible for aggravation like this. They can just say it’s beta so expect bugs LOL

Same exact thing with me after beating 3rd. Robbed of 1st place. I am astonished at how this game has consistently more victory-determining glitches and inconsistencies than any other CCG I’ve played.

I’m a little salty about this one. Alexstrasza turn 9 golden Kalecgos, took 2nd after butchering the others because the shmuck had one more hit point than me.

Ongoing issue, still not resolved. It has gotten so bad, I start to watch for it and just quit early rather than wasting my time trying for 2nd place when I see an unmoving 1st place player not actually fighting anymore.

Same thing happened twice to me too.

Sadly still going on. And as people have pointed out battlegrounds is something that is still in beta, however, battlegrounds cost money (or gold), they are reportedly the most popular part of hearthstone currently, and there have been numerous updates and changes made to hearthstone since the “bug” began. It really should be a higher priority.

This just happened to me as well…sucks, I was making an awesome comeback with Pyra-mad from 8th for a win. I had a muloc that was like 3/36 taunt poison, a div shld amalgadon that was like 45/49 with poison, windfury, and taunt. a Golden Champ of Ysharrj…he was like 139/145 with taunt…you get the idea. was in 2nd and definitely gonna win and get my achievement but this glitch happened . would love to get credit for the achievement even if they don’t want to add another 1st place win to my record.

This just happened to me. Never fought the person in 1st place the whole game. I defeated 3rd place ( me being in 2nd ), and as the round ended. So did the game. The final result being the winner, and me. I was on a 13 win streak too. ¯\( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )

Just happened to me too

The same thing just now for me.

still happening this is a joke at this point in the immortal words of ricky bobby’s drunk daddy if yu ain’t first ur last. so disappointing not even to hit the store.

This has happened to me as well, and frankly I’m gutted. In my last game I was due to battle a Captain Eudora who was running a Murloc deck (I was playing as Patches the Pirate). I had crawled my way out of a number of early victories, struggled to place with only ten HP left…and then after battling and defeating the person in third place…this bug happens. This is also the third time in two days where this has happened.

What I think happens - and this is only a theory, I have no proof but circumstances seem very suspect - is that if there are two players left, and the person in 1st place presses the Concede Button, the person that pressed the concede button automatically get the first place win. This is of course total nonsense and not what should happen. And again to reiterate - I have no proof, but the fact this has happened to me in multiple games is incredibly suspect.

Another one bites the dust… just did it again.

Happened for the 2nd time to me!

Exact same thing you described happened to me today

Happens every game, it goes for months, your mother must be proud of the work you’re doing blizzard. Busy doing 4 expansions per year? selling packs for 100 dollars on each I assume?

Feb 10, 2021 5am EST just happened to me too. Very disheartening. I think I still got the first place points as I got 100+ when “awarded 2nd place” but the last two fights were against the same second/third place opponent when there were 3 of us left. I had scaled really hard and was going to get the 1st place achievement with Toki but alas, AFKay outplayed me =P

Annoying bug/exploit btw.

This has been happening to me a bit as well, and when I record my games for YT and see this i always say well there is that bug and I guess we will get second then. This really hurts those of us trying to get certain achievements or even trying to get our MMR up. Multiple Times when I see this happen I might go against that person and they appear to have quit or got Dc’d as you can see its a ghost, but after the battle instead of the person showing 0 HP and “dead” they move to the 1st place spot and they dont play anyone else. Really annoying and needs to be fixed as when I get “2nd” or “3rd” I get the points for that place even though I am actual in 1st or 2nd.