Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds?

Same thing, what i really hate is that i didnt get even the achievement

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It also has happened to me I have pictures to prove this bug please fix this I was doing so well

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This has happened to me 3 times now so I finally googled it, wow blizzard game breaking bug in an auto chess game, you are still a pioneer I see. Maybe we should give them moar money? New progression system certainly agrees.

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Has blizzard ever responded to this? This is not just a small bug. And so many people are reporting it.

So much for support. Just get told to report it in this forum and no responses


Itā€™s infuriating that this is still happening(my last game ended like that and thought that I finished 1st since the game ended, but when I went checking in stats I finished 2nd ffs), especially since this started around 14-15th December and still nothing from Blizzard, like seriously? Not even admitting the bug and saying that theyā€™re on it or something like that. Extremely disappointingā€¦but who are we kidding here, after all we are talking about Bli$$ard here.

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This happened to me twice the last week aswell.

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Same thing just happened to me, with bonus buggy shenanigans. I knocked Mr. Bigglesworth from 19 HP to 1 HP. Next round I fought someone else and also knocked them to 1 HP, and Mr. B knocked out the fourth player.

I then notice that somehow Mr. B has more health than me (I think he was back up to 16 or 19). Weird. I then also notice Iā€™m playing the same player again, which Iā€™ve never seen outside of top 2. Weird. I proceed to win easily, and am greeted with a notice that I finished in second place, despite definitely still having 5 HP.

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I have just experienced the same, had a strong menagerie board, had a random dead player hanging around, definitely won my last game and got presented with the 2nd place screen.

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The same problem. After the victory, he wrote, 2nd place and thatā€™s it. And some player on the first one without a single victory

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Same Problem. I was first but the DC or concede Player is shown with health and i get put in 2nd place instead of first.

Customer Support please Correct this and unlock my achievement for first place with lich-bazā€™hial. Accountname is MantafahrerX.

Thanks a lot.

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I was in a Battlegrounds game and I had just eliminated player in 3rd, making me the person in second. Then, after eliminating the player in 3rd, instead of going to the recruiting screen to prepare for the last battle with the guy in 1st the banner came up for getting 2nd Place. There was no final battle between me (2nd place, 22hp) and the person in 1st. Please correct this. I do not enjoy having a good game, then being forced to take 2nd for no reason.

I canā€™t believe this has been happening for a month. Is blizzard going to compensate those who spend money for the Perks just to play a game that forces losses?

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Hey @Blizzard I dont usually post in forums or anything but this bug is ridiculous I quit playing Battlegrounds a few weeks ago due to this bug, I come back and it didnt even take 5 games for someone who QUIT on like turn 3 or 4 to get first place and give me 2nd without even being better than me and not only did it give me 2nd it didnt even give me another 1st place counter, wtf blizzard. I was the last one in the match playing why would you give some quitter 1st place without even letting me destroy him?

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2 of my last 3 runs just ended like this.
i was top 3, ( me being 2nd)
played vs 3rd.
i eliminated player in 3rd , then I got eliminated. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

it just feels cheap. its like your being cheated out of that potential victory .


This just happened to me right now live on my stream. I can pull up the vod to prove it. I was very confused why I was facing the same person when there were ā€˜3ā€™ aliveā€¦

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Its still in beta. blizzard knows what its doing. well that mode is in betaā€¦ and the other ones in betaā€¦ before they polished the first oneā€¦ feels like ark. let people pay us to test itā€¦ or star citizenā€¦

I except the world from blizzard, grew up on their games.

although I havenā€™t spent anything on blizzard or EA since you made StarCraft into 3 games. I wonā€™t moo any more.

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Some additional information about this bug that I have not seen in any of the reports before.

During my BG game, I got queued up against a player who at that time was in 4th (I think). During the shopping, I noticed that the icon of the player that was my next opponent was sort of blinking between the regular hero portrait and Kelā€™Thuzad. Not something I had ever seen before.
I then played that opponent. Based on the strength of their board I assume they were dead or DCā€™ed; at least they probably had not shopped that round. I won that round and damaged the hero badly, but didnā€™t kill it.

I didnā€™t encounter that opponent again. And near the end of the game, I realized he was still in the game. As others reported, the game ended with me beating the other remaining real player and taking 2nd place.

I have not tracked this player throughout the game. I was too busy digging myself out of the hole I was in. But with hindsight, I now think that I was the last player actually battling that opponent, and that the blinking hero portrait in the bar on the left hand side of the screen is related to whatever went wrong.


Confirm, this is still happening. Forced 2nd place as Ragnaros after winning against 2nd ranked player during Top 3.

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Just happened to me a moment ago, there were 3 people left, I fought the same person 3 times in a row and defeated him, then was forced 2nd place even though I still had 7 health left.

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This is sooooooooo annoying. Perfect build. Was eliminating people like crazy. Got to the final 3, eliminated one, then an automatic 2nd placeā€¦

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Good afternoon, this is the second time I have encountered such a problem playing in the battlefields, there are two players who use the gameā€™s bug to win, (I will attach screenshots if necessary) I do not know how exactly it works, but what is the point, these two players are constantly fighting ( letā€™s say I1 and I2, I1 fight everyone, but mainly against I2, and I1 does not fight with anyone except I2 after several players are knocked out.) almost always only against each other, one of them always takes the top 1 even if Iā€™m with him I have never fought.

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