For those that keep playing this game

Why do you keep playing it?

Decided to give Hearthstone another chance because some of the cards seemed pretty cool and started playing today again, last time was on Titans release and before that when DK released. And it seems to me that the game gets worse every time.
I’m on bronze rank and just lost to a shaman that played like 2 murlocs, 2 totems and one weapon. Then on turn 7 he wiped out my board that had like at 4 minions (one with 8 health) and, not only that, dealt more than 30 damage to me by direct damage spells and by turning his new 3 minions into Ragnaros.

And this happens so often now. Had a mage do more than 20 dmg in a single turn before and I remember a druid doing something like that out of nowhere too. Oh, and a Warlock that excavates treasures that simply removed my health, and kept bouncing it with that 3/2 panda.

Does anyone finds this fun? You have control of the board and then, suddenly, you lose the game, no matter how you play it. The state of the game reminds me so much of when they started with the Wild mode, because the game itself was so out of control that they had to make a mode where all that BS is allowed.

I love some of the new cards. Sargeras is my favorite by far. Kil’Jaeden also seems pretty fun, and I think that they are really creative with some of the cards, even if they don’t follow at all Warcraft actual lore.

So I ask again: why do you keep playing it?


Ultimately, people play because they want to. I think the game has fun moments, enough for me to stay invested. The flaws don’t outweigh the fun times I have playing it for now.

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I may be addicted. I’m not entirely certain. It’s fun sometimes. I might also just not have anything better to do

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Addiction, sunk cost fallacy and FOMO is what keeps people around.

Cuz i enjoy it n play it when i feel like doing so.

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The game tests my patience today. They nerfed the legendary drop rate by 33.3…% and they also nerfed the XP. Very ultracapitalist moves by Activision → Microsoft again.

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You call that having board control? When your opponent only plays 2x 2/2 minions and a weapon whole game? Does that look to you like that deck is even contesting the board?

It should be obvious to you what the deck is trying to accomplish. If your opponent isn’t putting threats on the board, you better expect to get OTK-ed from hand. That deck in particular is called “Nature Shaman” and has been nerfed to oblivion 3 times in the last 6 months.

If you stopped quitting every time you lose a game and continued playing instead, you would learn those decks and how to play against them.


Because I enoy the game very much. Mostly BG’s at this moment. Maybe standard and wild when I find it more appealing again. I just wonder why when someone doesnt enoy it, assumes that the game is bad and everybody should feel so. Not everybody does.

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People who keep playing would play even if they were losing on Turn 1 before getting a chance to play, and they’d still defend it.

They reap what they sow.

Let them.

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So tell me how you play against a deck that does more than 30 damage in a single turn?

It’s crazy how people defend this. I still remember back on classic Hearthstone times when the most broken combo would do like 20 damage in a single turn and it was for Druids only. Now there are at least 3 classes that do so much more. Tried playing today yet again and a Mage dealt more than 30 damage in 2 turns with spell damage minions + 0 mana spells. Insane how this game never got better, gameplay wise.


I’m not defending it, I was among the loudest critics of Nature Shaman before it got nerfed the 3rd time

I’m just saying this in case you didn’t know, but board control isn’t gonna get you far against such decks

Some armor stacking, sure

Mana disruption? Of course.

Board? Hardly so. Removal is still cheaper than stats, unfortunately - but, scamming some big stats early (especially pre-turn 6) can go a long way against that deck, because they need at least 5 mana (if they played Flash of Lightning turn before) or 6 to use their AoE-s.

Anyway, that deck is obsolete and bad now. If you’re struggling against it, play another deck.

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rank means nothing to me

i play for fun

casual mode is where its at

or vsing friends!

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I remember in the first year of the game i played a lot casual but for a different reason.
I didnt think i was good enough to play on a rank mode.

That line of thinking evaporated fast when i started to play rank and saw the level of play was no different.

The only place i see most not giving a damn is at the lower ranks of legend.
You see the most insane out of place decks there.


I tried on expansion day, but playing this game while need eating a meal is extremely difficult.

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That Overton window has come a long way since.

Once the very notion of an ‘OTK’ was a big taboo in this game (see, for example: The game needs more 'disruption', OTKs and solitaires , Cockroach OTK Shaman is back...again - #106 by SparkyElf-2852 … Btw, incidentally, the second topic is precisely about the deck you describe, which that ‘Altair’ guy also mentioned), and the design goal was to make it impossible. Then it gradually shifted to ‘technically possible, but tough to pull off’, and subsequently, it became so that YouTube is rife with videos like ‘Wild Big Priest Turn 1 OTK Sire Denathrius OVER 9000 DAMAGE!!!11111’ (‘too slow’ by modern standards, btw).

This pertain not only to OTK’s, by the way — see the first linked topic.

Your memory seems to fail you, provided you had the right knowledge in the first place. Most often Druids had 14 damage from an empty board (Force of Nature + Savage Roar), more with an Innervate (2 mana) and second Roar, 22 in total, but you wouldn’t see it that often.

The closest was either the Leeroy combo (Shadowstep, Cold Blood etc) from the yolo nobrain faceroll Rogue or the clownish Worgen Warrior deck, the latter probably reaching 30 even (can’t be bothered to count right now), although that deck was generally terrible for playing with, not making Trolden videos or something like it, while the former was quite popular, particularly the greedy version with the goblen, which plebs liked to netdeck for some reason — probably because it played itself for them. By the way, the true aggro Rogue with Coldlight Oracles and other stuff (including Leeroy and other cards, but it generally wasn’t about greedy almost-OTK combos, even though it could technically pull it off, and mostly focused on burning the opponent down) was actually fun and interesting to play with, requiring skill and some thought, unlike practically all other aggro decks (SMOrc, yep), so even I deigned to play it, but overall it was mostly a deck for the elite. :grinning:

Are we talking about Standard in particular? Not all of us do. :wink:

When it comes to the crazy stuff — I don’t. There used to be Classic (nostalgia factor, if nothing else, and it was not a bad game back then), there’s been my ‘chillout’ mode — Mercenaries (I suppose that’s a direct answer to you question, by the way), although I haven’t been playing it that much lately, there are occasional Tavern brawls and other content — that’s about it for me.

I’m not a Battlegrounds player or fan, although it’s apparently very popular, perhaps more so than HS itself, so I can’t anwser about it.

The real quiestion is whether they play the game or the game plays them.

See also, for example: Hate this game and hate playing it - #3 by SparkyElf-2852 .

So, apparently this one doesn’t even enjoy the game, but plays the role of a pro-company white knight and troll anyway. Bravo.

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People continue to play because either.

they invested to much money to quit.
they are humans that can stop things out of habbit.

I heard a card game will come in Spring next year.

sometimes i make a deck thats really different from the rest and does well, and it takes a while for me to find something of my own that i really like that gets me glued in. but lately these last few expansions i cant really do that.

For fun.


Do your 30 before they do.

It’s crazy you insist on attacking this. You not liking the game doesn’t mean I can’t like it.

I remember when gas was $1.50 per gallon. And, when I told my parents that’s what gas was THEN, they scoffed at ME and said “I still remember back when…”

Insane that you kept playing something you don’t like. The more practical, well reasoned approach would be to leave the game behind.

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