[For Fun] New Game/Play Modes

With much speculations and rumours, let’s have some fun…
Let’s come out with crazy game/play modes that we probably will never see.

Girl Friend/Boy Friend Mode
Opposite of the usual “BM” modes (Constructed, Arena, BG), we can now engage with other players and have 2 vs 2, as a couple.
Additional features (not limited to) virtual dating and mini game activities, new ‘status’ updates(Single and avail, friendzoned, etc and the ultimate marriage system) . You can now merge your collection with your partner, but be warned of possible liabilities. Check back for more details…

Now, See what new modes you guys/gals can come out with?

Absolute curve
You have a limited amount of time you can end your turn with unspent mana. If you do it too much, you lose