Fix broken warlock!

Here you go devs, another example! Hope you had fun designing a broken warlock meta.


Learn how to play, most decks beats quest warlock.

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Define most decks Mr. “Learn how to play.” Yeah if I want to be forced to play some lame face aggro deck, sure it might win half of the game against warlock, but that isn’t fun to me. I like playing control priest and I can’t do that because of the broken warlock shenanigans.

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Mo$t decks
But aggro decks works fine too vs warlock

yeah pretty sure warlock is the best deck in the game i have no idea what people are talking about lmao, they’re defending it because it’s free legend rn for them.

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Quest Warlock is not the most powerful deck, but it is extremely unfun to play against. Either the devs like to troll or hate the community. Then they wonder why Standard is failing: STOP PRINTING ANTI-FUN CARDS.


If I see warlock I just concede. Let them play by themselves. It is the only way to answer these failings by Blizzard, as clearly they aren’t listening to their customer base.


This is the deck I’m talking about which the nerfs did absolutely nothing.

It doesn’t run Darkglare and the bump in one mana to Flesh Giant was so insignificant for warlock that it was a buff because now no one else plays the card. The might as well have just changed it to a warlock only card.

Mir is just a warlock loving troll. :slightly_smiling_face: Do not take him serisouly. He keeps repeating that there are tons of decks that beat questlock and fails to mention single one every time. We all know that this is BS and data will show that.

Did you actually respond to that with a “learn to play”?

7-11 response:)

Warlock may be broken, but your deck doesn’t look very strong

I agree, it isn’t. I like to play priest, but I find shadow priest uncreative so I was trying to find something else to play. Unfortunately the devs took all creativity and imagination out of the game and reduced it to kill or be killed as fast as possible with control deck killing combo decks or hyper aggressive decks.

Don’t need to respond as I’m not the one in need to learn how to play :slight_smile:

Why are you complaining? Go watch tutorials on how to get better.

you name yourself mir with a rogue portrait? so you take someone else’s identity who is the best rogue player in WoW… lmao

then you tell people to get better when you’re literally complaining about losing with the best deck in the game???

hypocrisy at it’s finest.

You are missing the point. The problem is not the win rate.

I only play to complete quests. So Warlock isn’t a problem for me. I just let them win.

It’s not the best deck in the game tho

Taking someones identity lol i was first with it

I currently have about 82% win against warlock. It is almost a free win. Why are people still complaining about it?