Final nerf reverts revealed - Neutrals featuring Undertaker & Arcane Golem

About what i expected. The former Classic cards all got reverts with the removal of Forever Standard Status because in Wild they are meh compared to the power creep of newer cards. Same for most of the other reverts power creep happened so no one would notice the reverts in Wild formats. About the only cards that people will use in Wild from that list are Albatross and DQA from that list because Highlander is a tier 1 strategy for a lot of classes. All the other cards have been power creeped out by more efficient stuff and Archivist revert is closer to a nerf because Odd Warrior was probably the best place for the card in Wild.

Quest rogue will suck because it doesn’t work with Sonya anymore, which these buffs didn’t fix.

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Seeing you post this is hilarious because I’ve made a google search regarding the original nerfs and found that earlier

Why is it hilarious, Sonya and simile dupe mechanics are half of what kept quest rogue afloat as off meta, even with these buffs without it it’s not gonna be playable at all.

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Because randomly finding a thread about you unhappy with how blizz handled quest rogue and then seeing you post about the very same thing in my thread 2hours later.

Fun coincidence IMO.

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That depends on which nerf.

For the second nerf, during Witchwood; every other deck with a better win rate than Quest Rogue was also nerfed.

So while technically its win rate was acceptable when it was nerfed the second time, it would undoubtedly not have been acceptable after nerfing Cubelock, Paladin, and Spiteful Summoner.

I do wonder if players that don’t know about how Sonya works currently will recraft the cards affter the nerfs reverts just to find out the uggly truth.

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That doesn’t refer to the 2 “nerfs”.

That refers to the 2019 change, which wasn’t officially a “nerf” and therefore didn’t grant dust. It changed how Sonya works with the Quest.

What was the old way and what is the new one with Sonya?

Originaly every copy created by Sonya would be affected by the crystal core’s effect becoming a 1 mana 4/4 or 5/5 meaning you could trade many minons into other big minions as long as Sonya was on the field and still get copies of them, but since Sonya’s text says it creates a 1/1 copy of friendly minions that die when she’s present, blizzard “fixed” her so that she gives you 1/1 copies that cost 1 mana even affter the effect of the Crystal Core has been activated that reads " for the rest of the game your minions are x/x" it is an obscure interaction that was adressed in a patch after the deck hitted wild and was labaled as a “fix” to not give dust to the players for the affected cards.


I don’t know about Undertaker. Might be OK with how much power creep they introduced but the Issue with Undertaker was if you didn’t have the answer in the muligan or draw into it by turn 2 you were always 1-2 damage short of removing it and never caught back up because it kept growing just out of range. However there are also a ton more early answers available all around from increased card pool in addition to the power creep unlike back in Nax where some classes had trouble doing 3 damage on turn 2 from hand.

Given that Barnes and Naga Sea Witch were both confirmed as ineligible for nerf reversions, I was hoping that Bad Luck Albatross would stay nerfed above all other cards.

Yes, I would have taken Patches the Pirate, Small-Time Buccaneer, and Leeroy Jenkins all being reverted before Bad Luck Albatross. :yum:

(It helps that, at 4 Mana, Leeroy Jenkins couldn’t be used in Odd decks.)

I personally do not see a reason to have a card with premium, (f aggressive, which is actually good for a number of decks) stats that can deny up to two draws without any sort of duplication or shenanigans, all but negate all Highlander decks even though most are on the weaker side, completely obliterate a number of fun and already weak strategies such as Spell Hunter and Pure Paladin, be abused in one of the most unfun playable decks to face that ever existed, and so forth, without any drawback whatsoever.

Unlike even the original Giggling Inventor, Bad Luck Albatross can and did fit into many decks even in Wild.

That said, most of these un-nerfs gratify me! I am especially delighted to see Bonemare, the formerly Classic cards, and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza on the list. :heart_eyes_cat:

I do wish certain changes that had been considered, like having Naga Sea Witch back at 5 Mana with her effect overriding all other Cost modifications, Corridor Creeper becoming an 8-Mana 4/5, and so forth.

I also wish other cards had their nerfs reverted, including Class cards such as Aviana (with Juicy Psychmelon nerfed instead) and Leeching Poison (in the context of Kingsbane no longer having no real counter).

However, I am quite pleased with the cards that were fully or partially reverted, for the most part. :smiley:

I’m thinking Egg Hunter might be decent to try in Wild. It obviously autoloses to some things but that is where my friend the concede button comes in. I’m thinking it will do a’ight against Warlocks and Mages and there’s plenty of those around.

Boar was abused frequently in Quest Rogue.

Quest Rogue never got a foothold in wild.

If anything, its TCB nerfs reversal I am concerned about, not Boar potentially getting charge again.

Isn’t Raza Priest a tier 1 deck in wild? And from what I understand renolock is up there as a tier 1 or 2 deck too?