Crystal core nerf: load of bull

The new patch was just announced, and with it brings the most stupid decision I’ve seen in a while: they’ve utterly gutted quest rogue.

Now, this has been a massively requested nerf for a long time, but I can’t pretend to understand this balance change for 3 big big reasons:

  1. Quest rogue isn’t just an off meta deck, it’s plain bad. As someone who actually plays it quite often, the deck just dies and has absolutely no ladder presence other then the occasional meme.

  2. Blizzard isn’t even labelling this nerf as a nerf. They’ve completely dodged the dust refund owners of the rogue quest deserve by calling it a “game fix”. Blizzard, listen, this nerf is massive. It completely removes half the decks synergy, the very least they could do is a dust refund and an explanation?

  3. Big Priest. They decided to destroy a completely off meta meme over big priest, and not even give us a dust refund. What the hell blizzard.


Yeah, this is a huge nerf. They really should give a full dust refund.


They did this for the new card. Crystal Core is secondary.

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And still 100% annoying and unfun to play against.

Every players who drops this stupid deck is more reason for me to celebrate.


And that’s completely fine for you to think, even though the deck is just bad, my main issue is that a nerf is a nerf, and should be treated as such with a full dust refund.


Notice how Blizzard keeps pushing bigger and bigger nerfs without treating them as nerfs. Not a very good trend.


That’s cool and all, but it doesn’t change the fact they’ve nerfed a deck without a dust refund.


Even more reason not to spend money on this game. They completely destroy random things while leaving other stronger things alone.


What else are you talking about? :smiley: The “nerf” of artwork?

I’m sitting here on the completely different side of the room, just being happy that they clean up annoying archetypes. Now if they’d only target Big Priest …

Never the less it is a clear nerf to its performance, so it should be refunded.

Too bad the took so long to nerf it in standard…


That deck was overpowered from the get go shoulda dusted it when they changed from 5/5 to 4/4 oh wait you wanted to cheese


This now makes Caverns Below the most nerfed card in the game.


No, i just enjoyed the style of deck even if it was off meta and continued to play it.

but this nerf just completely guts the last shreds of fun left with it.

What you are saying is irrelevant anyway, considering its just standard to refund nerfs.


What nerf? 20 characters.


The 4/4 effect isn’t applied to effects that spawn minions with specific stats eg. Sonya’s copies stay as 1 mana 1/1’s rather then 1 mana 4/4’s post quest.

its arguably bigger then the first nerf the card got.



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Put your feelings on the deck aside, and think of it like any other nerf, before assessing this situation. The fact is this is no minor change, the card has been nerfed in a significant way. They are trying to pass it off as a consistency change to avoid compensation, they want people to be accepting of it. Why should we be? The more we accept this, the more they will try to get away with it.

Dont get complacent, again think about it as what it is, a nerf, before assessing the situation.


Wild is just that wild( devs won’t fix nothing)

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Its not about the format, its about compensation for nerfs. Do you not see that?

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Thats not the issue?