Final nerf reverts revealed - Neutrals featuring Undertaker & Arcane Golem

Watch my video and answer that for yourself.

Preparation stays nerfed that means at best 3 mana quest reward and 4 mana vanish.

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I did and still think the quest is more interesting and provides more to the game than a 1/1 charge for 1 or a 2/1 charge for 2


The fast complete is a lot more reliable now than it was before and thereā€™s that 2 mana 1/3 rush lifesteal minion from witchwood that can help stabilise a lot better than anything they had in ungoro standard

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The deck will be powerfull just saying I donā€™t see it as the end of all times as people are thinking it would be.

I donā€™t either but it does limit design space a bit in that you canā€™t have too many cheap charge minions available with it in a playable state hence boar and bluegill nerfs.

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That has been from day 1 they may bring the ā€œoriginalsā€ boar and bluegail warrior back but they are really moving away from cheap neutral charges and I really doubt they will desing any in the near future.

They were probably ā€œnerfedā€ cause of Caverns Below getting fully reverted. Blugill was in every Murloc deck which is normal cause itā€™s just instant face damage when played, unless there is a taunt. But it isnā€™t op cause it doesnā€™t have average or premium stats for the cost. There was also some stupid Emeriss deck where you just bounced and played Emeriss a bunch of times and played 2, 1 mana 32/32 Boars or 2, 2 mana 64/32 Blugillā€™s. (Even though I have never seen Blugill being played in Caverns Below Rogue.)

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big boost to agro cards:(

great, they revert changes for alexstrasza but not brann, you know what, iā€™m out again

They did revert bran though


oh, emotional crisis averted the

they did.

this post is only concerning the neutral cards.

Brann is 7 mana along with 1 mana flare and 2 mana starving buzzard.


thatā€™s actually a big mood boost for me, but heck why canā€™t there be an official post with all info without having me running all over the forums or twitter -_-

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here for you

Itā€™s funny when I played against you a long time ago you were playing mage, never knew you were such a huge hunter fan.


i think it was nerfed because rogue popularity / playrate was high and control decks playrate was close to zero

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Iā€™m scared for leper gnome that thing has basically charge with deathrattle sinergies, but I think they really want hunter to be somehow playable in wild.

Actually I not think that even ā€œabuseā€ was the right word.

It feels like some random reddit rage when you put it this way.

Itā€™s more about being buildaround for stuff like APM priest. Likeā€¦
How much you can design around a 1 mana card with charge?

Anyway. Stuff is more fun with boars around and if it ever turns into the case for they getting game breaking in wild we can look again.

With the changes to how crystal core mechanics done near uldum expansion I doubt that it would be viable in literally any format in the future and could even have the requirements reverted to 4 minions of the same name that would still giga junk tier.

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Omg I had forgotten just how long it has been since Crystal Core was a thing.
Look at Baby Kibler:)

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thanks, some of these changes look potentially good

and yeah, I used to play mage for ranked but I actually prefer hunter or druid and iā€™m playing a bit of priest nowadays, although mainly battlegrounds