Final nerf reverts revealed - Neutrals featuring Undertaker & Arcane Golem


So arcane golem makes me scratch my head, they removed several charge minions and then give this one charge again? What is the logic here? Is that what this meant;

  • Dean fought against a certain card that has Charge in the nerf reverts.
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I thought the same thing.

They nerfed the boar and bluegill to get rid of charge BUT also revert the arcane golem nerf AND the warrior card that grants charge ?

I don’t understand.

Arcane Golem is a weird one with how they wanted to avoid charge as much as possible.

Undertaker I had some hesitation with but if Bee, JAlexander, and Zeddy are all saying it’s probably safe I’m gonna assume my hesitation is just from all the bad memories I have of that card

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Devs work like that for quite some time, you know :smiley:

Honestly I don’t even think it’s going to see much play.

I could be wrong tho. If it does, IMO it’s not breaking the game. In the right deck it can be a powerful 1 drop but still dies to a ton of early aggro stuff and removals / Zephrys, which didn’t exist back then.

They have mentioned that they may reconsider what they’ve done with boar and bluegill:

And from yesterday:


LMAO I’ve never seen ‘‘boar’’ being abused.

I have no idea what he’s talking about.

Even for bluegill.

Shudder/Gala Shaman be strong in wild and I guess hunter in standard the last week prerelease and rotation?

Considering that Caverns Below Quest Rogue will be back with Secret Passage available to it, I’m VERY glad that the Charge versions of Stonetusk Boar and Bluegill Warrior won’t be available to that deck.

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Quest rogue for both cards


Yeah you’re right. But then the problem was the quest and not those minions.

I could also say deckhand and many other cards were abused in the deck.

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I guess but the common thing there is dirt cheap charge minions. If you get a critical mass of them you can’t unnerf rogue’s quest which is a more fun, interesting card than these tiny charge minions.

The question to ask is what would you rather have OG bluegill warrior and stonetusk boar or rogue’s ungoro quest. The later is a more interesting card with more potential


What control deck rules wild? beacuse for Caverns Rogue to destroy the meta it needs to feed on a control deck that it can outvalue, Also secret mage an already top tier meta deck in wild loves to feed on that quest rogue, and is not like there is an aggro heavy meta in wild right? oh wait.

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With how quickly it can be completed now it can probably go toe to toe with some aggro decks too.

I think you’ve forgotten that the quest was not nerfed due to it’s overwhelming win rate, it was nerfed due to the fact that playing against it gave the player facing it an awful experience.

I suggest you take a look at this to refresh your memory (at least his intro) :smiley:

ok say you complete it by turn 3 or 2 at most, then what prep the quest costs 3 mana and is top decking town from there for the rogue. If they reverted giggling inventor’s nerf then maybe quest rogue would be a problem but they didn’t.
Still my money is on shudder/Gala Shaman as a newcomer.

Rogue’s card draw has gotten a lot better since then. Secret Passage can dig up 3 5/5 charge minions on turn 4. That seems pretty aggressive

What charge minons? that are cheap and don’t require for you to have a weapon equiped? It is better to look for cheap taunts like the corrupted murgle that summons a taunt.

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Without the nerfs to boar and bluegill they would’ve been used there so the question becomes what’s more interesting the cheap charge minions or the rogue quest