smells like fish in here
Thank you for your response Cramer.
General note for those who don’t know :
You cannot change FPS on phones.
On a computer, when the hardware is a few years old, it will not be suitable for going beyond 60 FPS when modifying files.
For example, if the graphics card can generate 100 FPS but your computer monitor is at 60HZ, you will only have 60 frames per second.
It is by trying to increase the speed on an unsuitable device that the game will disconnect.
There is therefore an “inequality” between those who will complain about crashes, those who will have very little time because of the animations and those who have a lot of FPS and who will find the “time long”.
As this game is designed to be played with your phone, I find it a shame not to be able to deactivate the animations.
Imagine if you had a long fight with lots of animations, then it’s your turn, for example “Yogg Saron” with his 4 “Darkmoon draws” (Foire de Sombrelune in french) - the spinning wheel, time during which you can’t do anything at all - and then you have to placing the spells of your “Nagas” or your “Hurans”, buying cards and updating = it’s a nightmare !
Madam, your reading skills are not good.
Can you point to where I said anyone in this thread called me a liar?
If you cannot find this quote, then I want you to apologize and admit you failed at reading correctly.
Do you have the integrity to do that?
You claimed something I said, that I never said.
That sounds like the kind of thing a “REGULAR” would do.
Find the quote, or admit defeat and apologize.
I will remind you are dealing with someone that has a genius level IQ and you have already showed me something about yourself. Do you know what it is?
Once again, your reading skills are very low.
No one disputed it many years ago. Not in this thread.
Again, apologize and never reply to me again after you apologize.
There seems to be a big misunderstanding.
Cramer never said anyone in this thread called you a liar…
Where ???
Why should he (or she) apologize for something he (or she) didn’t do (or something I missed) ?
Cramer, are you a man or a woman ? (It doesn’t change anything but I would like to be sure.)
This doesn’t answer the topic’s questions, but it can help you think.
I hope not.
No, it does not mean that.
how else do you explain being able to play 10+ cards after the fuse burns down to nothing? Also I have read the explanation of how to hack the files and that people do do it so don’t gaslight me.
They didn’t.
They played those cards during the normal time limit of their turn.
But, because animations are always slower for the opponent, it APPEARED ON YOUR SCREEN like they did.
Okay, so that is one possible explanation.
But it is not the ONLY explanation, which was your claim.
I’ve already had this happen ONCE.
In the second or third round, a “person” played unlimited cards (almost) well after the rope time, slowly and he won after his endless turn (at least 2 minutes) and it is not because that the entertainment came late for me, even though there was a lot of it.
I don’t remember the details, it was more than a month or two ago.
I was annoyed because I wondered how he could have so much mana and so much time (I was a beginner so I didn’t know that cheating was possible ; since then there have been plenty of accounts banned).
Because they are afraid of the truth. They can’t handle the truth. I can handle it, I am truth incarnate. But I do not know the answer to your question. That is the truth. I can guess, though. It’s probably something to do with technical limitations mixed with incompetence and a helping of don’t give a🦆
SuperCuddles, ha !!! I understand why people say you’re a troll !
Actually it’s true !
YOU are a TROLL !
Do you? Can you? I’d love to understand why you believe such a thing. Can you explain your thinking on the matter? Or are you just speaking with your feelings?
You like to add some humor to your posts to make them more entertaining.
I try to do the same thing. Apparently, some people think that is trolling.
It is not.
First off, not a madam. I dont run that kind of house. lol. Mr, or Sir, would be the correct title/pronoun I would go by. I also enjoy using the same pronouns as the late Michael Jackson, “he, he.” I will accept your apology if given without any explanation or further trolling.
I can, you stated:
You said it yourself.
I do. Thus no apology is needed from me as I did read your words as you wrote them. If you meant anything else by them then the only thing I can apologize for would be for not being a mindreader.
And my very first statement was
as well as the very first reply in this thread addressing your claims.
For a genius level IQ, something no genius would ever need to actually type to back up their claims, but something a trolling user would, you seem to have more difficulty reading than anyone else in this thread.
Once again, you failed. Where did I say anyone in this thread called me a liar.
I said regulars in the forums, not this thread.
Apologize and never respond to me again.
SuperCuddles and SilentStorm are trolls.
It’s a waste of time
I will ignore them now.
Cramer, you better do the same.
Oh i am now. The childish behavior is abundantly clear.