Excessive Amount of Bot Accounts

I have noticed an excessive amount of bots in my standard ranked games. I’m currently Plat 4 and my highest is Diamond 2. I play about 10 games before work and about 10-20 after work. And it seems like most (about 60%) of my opponents are bot accounts.

Things they almost always have in common:

  1. Looks like a new account. The suspected bot will not have a hero skin, nor a cardback, nor a golden portrait.

  2. Won’t communicate. They don’t emote. With opponents that I suspect to be bots, I will greet them immediately. I don’t always expect people to emote back so I don’t report if they don’t greet. However, if I BM the suspected bot they still won’t emote.

  3. Play cheap and accessible decks. Goes along with the new account point. They will play Unholy Aggro DK (with the free Lord Marrowgar) or Excavate Rogue (with the Diamond Velarok Windblade). I know you have to buy the tavern pass to get the diamond Velarok but I’m thinking whoever has the account wants to farm the battle pass and ranks at the same time. Or maybe buying the tavern pass makes it less likely you’ll get reported because you own something a new account probably won’t have.

  4. Always goes face. I’ve been playing since 2016, I know what smorcing is. But they will only trade with a taunt in the way. They will leave “important” minions up. Example: I’ve been playing Rainbow DK, Maw and Paw has saved me numerous times because the bot doesn’t see that it gives me health and still it will go face no matter what.

  5. They all have similar names. The one thing that really tipped me off was the names of my opponents. They will have a combination of (Color)+(Animal). In League of Legends, you could tell who is a bot, is leveling a bot, or bought an account by their name. In League, its always a (Human Name)+(Four Numbers).

I report these accounts when they check all my boxes. I don’t know if Blizzard has an outdated reporting system or they just don’t care. Either way, there is way too many bots in standard ranked.


I noticed a lot of HS bots, they all have names like CrankyPants \ SilentSword
THey are bots if u cant add them in recent players
But i dno why there are bots…ID rather wait another 15 sec than facing abot


You have no difference between a Hearthstone player and a bot, they have no neurons because they practice the same “full face” interaction.

the game is in a deep and very serious crisis, the closure of the duels is only the first phase of the end of hearthstone, blizzard runs for cover using bots otherwise it would not be possible to find opponents and also uses those bots that have specific decks against yours to stop your victories or at least control them


source ? people been making claims similar to that for over 7 years im not going to beleive it without a source

I’m hardstuck diamond right now because I’m just playing fun decks before the miniset. Today I have lost at least 3 games to aggro spam bullsnip bots, and have won dozens more. It’s the middle of the day on a Thursday so I get not many players are active, but it’s fragging insane that I should have to face 20-30 bots a day, even when I am winning. I won 5 games in a row against bots, and played bots again. I’m considering giving up standard entirely until this is fixed. I report every single one, I doubt it matters.
Really hoping the mini-set brings players back again. I bet they’re just sick of druids and rogues.

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Cool no one cares what you want or think. 13192 posts sounds like you work for them.


Nah, they got rid of a lot of bots so they solved the problem.

Lol for real though, I’ve never understood people who bot. Can anyone explain to me why anyone would? Like what is the logic behind it? I pity anyone who bots and find they must be deeply sad people, but I have no idea as I don’t understand it.

If you’re getting actual names, you’re one up from me. I only ever get facedesk names or those Japanese symbols.


Always goes face is a dead giveaway. Most people are smart enough to know when to trade in certain situations where they need to maintain board control.

I’ve seen quite a few of these. You would think they could be stopped pretty easily.

I care more about what Boreas thinks than I care about what you think

the story is so much worse in the wild. 70%+ decks are even shaman. even in the legend

Thought i’d just put this out there…

I switched from ranked to casual. After a few stupid matchups, i actually got someone called “Sam”. The game was horibly unfair but it was a genuine deck. I suppose my MMR is unaligned after kicking so much bot decks.

So far i got 2 real games, i’ll see what happens next.

I’d be curious though… Someone with the aggro decks, trying casual.

I don’t understand the situation Hearthstone is in, after they declared 1600 mass layoffs, after the news Blizzard itself declared that it uses bots passing them off as human opponents and we don’t even know if these bots, being Blizzard, already know if they have to win or less before the start of the game, being able to manipulate the game at will, after the news that is coming out online following the statements of the fired programmers who are confessing that the game has nothing random but is all manipulated to make people win or lose the game according to pre-established algorithms, do you complain about… too many bots?

where di you read about that first time i see it

and the number is probably wrong make sure to check everything you read people lie a lot on the internet so is better to make sure you werent lied to

Bumping this post as I just went from Bronze 10 straight to Gold 1 with no loses and only played two games against non-bot players.
I rarely play Standard, so this is actually my first time getting to Gold. It feels a lot less rewarding than if I was playing really players. Very disappointing. Is this the new normal for Standard now?

Signs they are bots:

  1. randomly generated name
  2. entire deck of 1-2 mana minions
  3. often plays coin the first turn and no cards after that
  4. ignores my deathrattles and try to go face when a deathrattle pops a taunt
  5. doesn’t use rush minons to attack the turn they are played
  6. plays Abusive Sergeant on minions that can’t attack that turn
  7. almost always attacks face

FYI, the color+animal names are typically names autogenerated for players who are new to hearthstone. This makes sense that the first wave of bots mentioned in this post used those names, but I know that people I’ve invited to start playing Hearthstone in the last year have the same naming configuration.
This new wave of bots appears to have only gibberish names and all use an identical deck.

Learn to search the web lol? But it is hardly news.

no links

means it never happened