Excessive Amount of Bot Accounts

If only things were that easy. I wish.


I would encourage everyone struggeling with bots to try “Casual mode”. I’ve had well, any other deck playing in that mode.

Also, i would encourage anyone with a consistent bot problem, to report them.
-Click the social button top left
-Click the current opponent
-Click report

I would advise anyone doing that to be sure about the reporting. Excessive reporting of legitimate players can lead to account sanctions. Most of the bots have random letter/numbers in both lower and upper caps. Also, there’s the accounts with japanese names.

And no, i don’t have a link.

why would anyone believe something happened without links

Having a critical mind is a good thing. Forming a personnal opinion and analyzing the information. Extrapolating the intended message and weighting the true from the false.

This is not what you’re doing.

I understand you’re trying to do the right thing and have a constructive and positive influence on the boards. However, calling everyone a liar is not the way to do that.

Things, are not that easy.


this is something that must be easy for them to link to

they mustve read it from a reliable new source if the ydidnt they are just making stuff up or didnt bother to ask for a source to whoever told them about it

I wish we were still talking about bots.

Ask those who swear on the Bible

so thats all you have

thats why you think i should believe you …

I don’t care whether you belive me or not. I thought it is obvious.

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I may not see your greeting as your blocked. I dont think I have emoted a player because they have bm’ed even once. what’s the point of letting a bully know your annoyed.

see below, it just means a newish account.

pretty sure the general rule is, I never see bots. Not in standard or wild, even the colors+names emote and concede.

Remember this the next time one of you pro company folks start spouting off and gets huffy about being asked to provide one.

Oh no…that’s not what’s going on here. Spend a few years seeing these bot posts spammed on behalf of the company trolling everyone and anyone who dares question anything the company does and you’ll see why the company’s bot farm needs to be purged.

And for those who pay attention: this is all to distract from the massive botting problem in game. So massive that even the company removing their own bots (at least from everyone expect those poor souls who are new players) still doesn’t put a dent in the problem.

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I’ve been having a similar experience excessively recently when progressing in gold and plat ranks. Like nearly every single match. A few of the details you listed are different for me though while a couple of others are the same.

Here are the things I noticed:
-Names are always 1 of 2 possibilities. Either they are a bunch of Chinese symbols (rare with 3 out of my last 17 matches being the case) or they consist of a bunch of random letters with random ones being capitalized (this has become an immediate red flag that I am facing a bot).
-They have identical reaction timings every single turn. It’s never instant but it also never goes to the rope. It also never changes regardless if they can even do anything or not.
-They never emote
-They never surrender
-They always use the exact same deck of basic cards regardless of how little synergy it has or even if the synergy is ZERO with their class (like having the pirate that does 2 damage if you have a weapon equipped but are playing priest which has no weapons to use with basic cards only).

-(THIS one is an amazing indicator!) They will NOT use abusive sergeant correctly if possible whatsoever. Sergeants battlecry gives another minion +2 atk for 1 turn only. Even when the bots already have a minion on the battlefield, if they have 2 minions (one being the sergeant) they will ALWAYS play the other minion first THEN play the sergeant buffing the other minion that just came out instead of one that can actually attack.

In some ways I don’t have a problem with the bots since they make winning and progressing so much easier due to my opponents being the epitome of brain-dead. But I’m also genuinely shocked just how many there are in ranked matches recently. Is the game really struggling with retaining the playerbase lately? It must be if they are resorting to this.

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Rumble I see perhaps 25% of players with Chinese symbols as their name. pretty sure its just lots of real Chinese players.

I have never noticed a pattern of similar timing, if anything people tend to rope at start and get faster as I play quickly.

around 80% of players either emote/concede or both but others have posted that have seen bots both emote and concede.

I have never see anyone fail to use abusive sergeant correctly.

so it continues. I dont see anything that recognisably matches a bot, not even once let alone over a dozen games.