ill start this i miss the im sorry emote i want it brought back! people are gonna troll one way or the other they added squelch so why cant we do it?
because americans are oversensitive. if you simple look at them they already are offended. so you cant have emotes wich can be used sarcasticly or annoyingly. even tho there are plenty of others wich can be used to annoy others.
But yeah makes even less sense to remove it when you have the squelch option.
god do i ever frickin know i got suspended on ff14 once for running up to a female char and telling her that her butt was big so yea the sensitivity level is real on online gaming now
Do you also do that outside video games? Because it’s often threatening to women.
It makes them feel they may be attacked.
Online its different unless she was posting her real life pictures there and he commented on that. Unless he was constantly harassing the person , the person probably thought he was some weird erp’er and just blocked him lol.
And since its in a video game chances are there was a guy behind the character anyway
Not everyone is semi-anonymous in video games. I was once in a World of Warcraft guild that existed for more than 15 years. In there was a Grandmother (literally) with her son being part of the leadership of the guild and they were talking about their outside life all the time.
Well not everyone, but thats in a guild setting.
The guy you were talking to said that running up to a random person. I think its really different if some random person ina game runs up to you says that compared to saying it to someone you know and has given you real life information in a private circle like aguild
Those people rarely stay anonymous outside their guilds. E.g. they were inviting pugs in voice chat all the time. They generally were using their accounts almost like using Social Media accounts.
lol online players have to deal with t he mommy players who report everyone for every azz f or other bombs swear they got a itchy report finger issue