Etc tavern brawl is trash

It’s really surprising that they haven’t done it in the first place, considering the structure of this little… adventure.

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Totally unfun with priest and on last boss it became complete trash garbage thing.

Changed to mage, much easier and more fun.

Looks like decks are not balanced.

none of them are. They’re all garbage.

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well, with mage one , was much easier and completed all run pretty fast, with 4-5 loses in total.

I quickly won against etc as priest again, and guess what, it was even more stupid: on his turn 6, he has like 5 health, the only thing he does is he equip the weapon that gives him 4 attack and he attack my minion that has around 12 attack and 8 health, and thus I win. I swear back in 2014 when I was doing naxramass bosses, I never seen such stupid moves even though the AI never was perfect. What happened ?

Honestly, a lot of it is RNG. Particularly at the later bosses. Or maybe it was just E.T.C. I don’t remember.

Did both runs as a deathknight. Had a bunch of losses the first time. 2nd week went much smoother. Was pretty mind numbing both times though.

Dh was extremely good but thats probably because I had been playing dh this season and knew how the deck worked. If you’re familliar with outcast dh it was extremely easy to have insane generation and otks with Halveria


I don’t think the brawl deck has any charge minions or the likes of S’theno.

By the way, dunno if anyone noticed this part or commented on it, but a lot of the ‘tooltips’ or whatever they’re called on the loading screen suggested tweaking your deck against a tough boss and such. :smirk: Yeah, as if it were an option for this one…

Sometimes it would appear that sloppiness and shoddy work could surpass even the most intentional attempts at trolling you.

PS Still wondering if you could face your own class as your opponent, apart from fixed bosses — Mukla and ETC, that is Rin as Warlock, Halveria as DH, Millhouse as Mage, Hedanis as Priest and so on.

I just beat ETC with the 11th class! Thank you for showing me it was possible!