Etc tavern brawl is trash

They should move this experience to Adventures so those who want to can take more time to get through all the classes.

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The good part is you can play one boss, take your weekly standard pack…then abort.


Yeah, you don’t need to actually complete the run, just one boss. Which I’m very grateful for. Only noticed after doing the 2nd one though.

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i mean, it’s going to be up for 2 weeks, and idk if all the decks are actually etc fight viable … i’d be really surprised to see the priest deck complete it … while it would be nice to see a 3rd reward for completing it with all classes, i’m kinda glad there isn’t b/c of how awful the experience would be for some of the decklists (esp. priest) … i hope they adjust the decks for week 2

[edit: … even if the only thing they do is add the sideboard etc card to each deck so that you can at least customize 3 cards, although for priest idk if that would be enough]

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Where do you see that it’s up for two weeks? I’m not finding this information (within the game itself all I see is that it “ends in 6 days”). It’s good news if true though!

New Tavern Brawl: Battle of the Bands

On June 21, with a second encore performance on June 28, we’re running a new, special dungeon-run style Tavern Brawl! You play as a fan turned musician, trying to win their way onto the main stage! Face off against 7 randomized musical acts on your way to the final battle against E.T.C. himself.

i personally heard it from zeddy here (where the above page/quote is also shown):

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Its 2 separate identical runs of the tavern brawl. the first completion will give a standard pack and a festival pack and the second run will just give the standard pack.

(post deleted by author)

They really should be ashamed of this Tavern Brawl. To take so much effort crafting a deep single player experience only to phone it in with the balance of the final encounter in uncharacteristic of the quality we have come to expect from single player content. It is beyond frustrating to learn that I’ve chosen the ‘wrong’ class (Priest) for the final matchup and now have to replay the first seven encounters to even have a chance.

Looks like at least some of those were simply… ahem… ‘borrowed’ from the previous brawl with premade decks…

No, just general sloppiness, probably.

Or perhaps a hidden message, considering how disgustingly ‘politically correct’ :face_vomiting: this whole shebang is: you don’t need to be smart or have any talent at all to be a real ‘star’ in what modern HS has become — in fact, maybe it’s quite the opposite. The tone of this whole ‘adventure’ seems consistent with it — and, again, looks like an appeal to the masses in order to sell the product.

Technically, it has been copied from the ‘Book of Heroes/Mercenaries’ adventure structure. Premade decks for each of the eight bosses, the ability to replay a fight after a loss and the general look of it — except more… pedestrian.

Ha-ha! Although I’d say most of the ‘work’ has been for writing a few text lines and ordering some… voice acting for them, the rest, especially the technical side and the decks, is mostly copy-pasting, by the looks of it.

That’s what was initially assumed, based on a leak:

I don’t know if posting it is compliant with the forum rules, but honestly, at this point, I don’t even care if I get blocked for this.

Go on, report me for such an ‘evil’ act— this ‘good’ company will surely reward you for your faithful service! :rofl:


probably not.

From patch notes, as already noted — those reading skills are still cool, some of us say, even though the bulk of the modern audience seem to believe that they are very special and DEMAND a personal dancing and lip-syncing video in TikTok on more or less any subject.

Is that another ‘opinion’? :thinking: The patch notes are quite clear on the subject:

Each week, you get one Standard pack for your first win and one Festival of Legends pack for your first full clear.

PS As for the difficulty, considering how you can restrat as many times as you want after losing to a boss, this is less of an issue than it could have been. I haven’t tried with all classes, though, only with the emo… ‘person’.

i beat a boss, saw no buckets, and moved on

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I have beaten etc with all 11 classes, including priest, look at the replay: mrcnkqWxjTenTbhgfitZpT . It was ridiculous, while I was sure doing the best strategy possible, I also had a lot of good rng and the ai decided to no kill the right minion for 2 turns, then instead of avoiding lethal, he played his second panda amalgam in hope that it would have rush or taunt…

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Thank you for your service. I am also trying to beat the adventure with all classes but I wasn’t sure whether it would actually be possible and now I know not to give up :pray:

how does one view the replay?

I can’t paste the link on this forum, so I pasted just the end. Find another link of hsreplay and replace the end characters by those.

you can paste the full link by using

preformatted text like this

idk how others are able to post links that work but this is how i’ve been able to post info

[indent preformatted text by 4 spaces](
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I watched the replay again, and it’s hilarious how lucky I was, his second amalgam panda DID have taunt, but it had stealth and no rush to remove it…

I wouldn’t say it was trash… I’d say it was just silly… :slight_smile:

i managed to beat etc with shaman fan after many repeated tries. was fun actually. i wish they’d move it to solo adventures after the brawl is over.