Erase Reno Lone Ranger from the game

Just rease it. Nobody likes it. Nobody likes a neutral hero card that replaces your class hero for a generic one. Nobody likes how it interacts with the board. Nobody likes that it has a “start of the game effect” and its uncounterable. Its too cheap even at 9 mana. Hero power is too good.

Don’t just rotate it. Erase it. No one in wild wants it. And if they say they do, they don’t know what they are talking about. Just as no one knew what they were talking about when they were asking for a “start of game” effect on highlander cards.

Erase it and let’s move on.


I especially enjoy beating a deck with this card in it; they always seem so shocked.

They are not going to “erase” this card from the deck. We need cards like this to sort the players.


I love this card - so you are wrong :slight_smile:


build a deck to win by turn 9. Why are you playing bad decks?

I dont even have Reno crafted, im just not terrible and lose to a 9 drop.

“You’re probably wondering how I got here”

“Yeah It was t8… I had once again put 2-3 extra minions on board on top of my couple few other threats and well they went away”

“Now, because I cannot be trusted to think about future turns I need to kill a card”

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Atleast in wild you can answer it with Theotar mad duke, which was a must have card because of endgame broken cards, in Standard you cannot counter this garbage, the only counter is play heavy aggro and win before turn 8 or gg.
If you plan to survive past turn 8 you must play Reno.

The only way Reno is nerfed, which judging by forums/reddit is to not have him clear just the enemy side and only enable one minion to be played, would be to drastically reduce the mana cost of the card and ideally remove the highlander requirement.

I guarantee, tho, even if it receives such a nerf, people will still complain because at the end of the day, people hate being countered. It doesn’t feel good, and it’s easy to complain about it. Fact is, this game starves for utility cards like Reno and Theo etc., but people just want to play solitaire I guess until one face splodes. At least those who complain about the one card they just lost to.

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Well most other board clears usually has a heavy downside; “discard cards equal to minions cleared” “heavy mana cost” “destroy ALL minions on the board”.

Cards that are specific to opponent board is usually limited to a damage cap, and a HEAVY mana cost.

-clears enemy board,
-denies them refilling the board,
-doesnt trigger on-death effects
(like reborn or deathrattles, it outright deletes the cards,
so its like a silence + destroy, which by itself is a 9 mana effect usually “Plague of Death”
-gives 5 armor
-replaces hero power
-doesnt touch your own board

-and the only tradeoff, is having “no duplicates” in deck and 9 mana?
Other cards with that requirement, did stuff like, make your hero power 1 mana/upgrade hero power. Heal your hero to full health. Discover cards you then have to play (RNG).

-Not only is having no duplicates a low barrier to entry playing Reno, its not something specific to him, which makes you easily able to play the other cards with the same effect.
Having that on him isnt a “cost”, its at this point just a tribe type.

Reno is so incredibly bloated it should never have been printed to begin with.

Its not merely “clear the board” or “being countered”. The card is a “I win” card, which is incredibly hard to lose with.


Tech cards are fine but Reno is far from it, people were playing Theo because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE ran Sire Denathrius in their deck, more than Reno because Sire could do lethal damage.
Having another run of bringing a new utility card in the next expansion that counters Reno instead of just nerfing Reno’s board clear would just be redundant and lazy choice by the devs because everyone is going to play those same 2 type of cards again and the meta will stay stale.

Why I can’t delete my own posts though, ohwell

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and it erases portals

and as you noted, there is not effect to the reno player’s board state. it should erase the entire board.

and the new “started with no duplicates” text is not a nerf. it makes it even more difficult to deal with because you can’t turn it off.


you can achieve similar effect with yodeler and Reska pit boss on DK. by turn 8-9 enough minions die to make it almost free and it nicely moves entire board over… doing 2 things (clearing opponent and filling up your side). reno is not the only card to do clears.

reno feels needed because dragon roost and that warlock portal thing aren’t removable without it. if those 2 were just locations, reno wouldn’t be needed.

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that’s a multi-card combo, would control only 2-3 minions instead of the whole board, and it’s rng with which minions get controlled, also doesn’t take into account the turn after, not to mention it’s a neutral card giving super effective board clear to classes which were designed around having weaker aoe (rogue, hunter), DK already has lots of viable aoe options in that regard

Good news then, Reno is now 10 mana, you should be able to defeat someone running Reno by turn 10, right? Or you rather just want to be handed an auto win against decks with this card?

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I love the card. It’s too bad it’s been nerfed . It was fine at 9 mana. Just because YOU don’t like it doesn’t mean everybody else feels the same.


Reno is the worst card in the game hands down. It removes the fun and skill level at that. It is way too powerful even after the nerfs. It should be removed from the game. It has become an “I win” card and that is just infuriating. I have had players down to 1 heath and then they play Reno and wipe me out somehow.


The most obnoxious thing about Reno, is not that it can now be played for 0 mana with Marin very early making the Developers seem dumb they didn’t anticipate that interaction (if they claim they did anticipate it: I don’t believe them),

is that all highlander decks are in general designed to sell cards; they heavily rely on extremely expensive cards; mark my words that the moment it’s rotated they will release even more expensive highlander cards immediately.


I buy my packs and I play for fun. I have never hit legend but I come close. But I am not trying to. I just enjoy the different scenario to play through every time. It is a really well designed game most of the time. I just really think that Reno should be relegated to the void.

is a hidden interaction you wouldnt know about just going by the card text ?

the only ones who dont notice card interactions just going by card texts

are those who dont bother reading card texts
like the players posting about not being able to damage opponet hero with lamplighter using shudderblock

Shudderblock was a mandela effect and a half, I think me and a lotta people read it either as “your next battle cry triggers 3 more times” or “but can’t target the enemy hero” leading to two different types of confusion. Or maybe it wasn’t a mandela effect at all and Hearthstone just requires reading glasses on mobile for the wordier cards :man_shrugging:

Hello everyone,

I have to disagree to the idea of erasing Reno Lone Ranger.

First of all, just remember the previous Reno cards:

  • Refilling your life (Neutral minion and unique cards in deck)
  • Dealing 10 damage to enemy minions (Mage minion and unique cards in deck)
  • Making all minions disappear (Mage hero)
    So bearing that in mind, Reno Lone Ranger fits with its previous versions, it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

Secondly, how many board effective cleanning cards do you remember? Twisting Nether in Warlock, some (wild) Warlock minions… Anyway, too few especially regarding standard. And currently, you find ending games boards really hard to deal with in standard (Druid with the sticky Hydration Station effect, Mage big spells as well…). And whatsmore, by the turn you arrive at turn 10 to cleanse the board you’re merely alive (if not already dead!). So in the end, I would say that Reno Lone Ranger looks too expensive nowadays, and so, the possibility of permanently shutting it down seems far from necessary, quite the opposite in fact.

Finally, in a Wild format context, I find it quite interesting to use it, especially against sticky boards once again, such as Big Priest Resurrection, neverending Greyboughs, etc.

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