Erase Reno Lone Ranger from the game

Very funny that you find refilling your full health, overpowered. There are ~4-cost cards that do that now.

They wont cause bad players need to win with highlander decks somehow

The problem is that having no duplicates is hardly a downside today as it was when the original Reno came out. In Wild, Reno is a cancer to where if you don’t run it, you lose. I love playing Control Paladin in Wild, but because I don’t like playing Reno (because I have a soul) I lose to any Reno Lone Ranger deck. I come close but it’s too powerful in the end. Idk about erasing it, but just change it to DESTROY all minions instead of remove them would be a fair nerf.

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Your first sentence proves you wrong. The fact that the card forces you to play an aggro deck in order to win before turn 9 is proof that it is overpowered, broken and should be erased. The game is not only for aggro. You might think so if you are an newbie though. Which you must be since instead of understanding the problems of the game you try to show off about “what a good player you are”. Not much going on in your life?

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tbh pirates annoy me more than Reno

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Exactly. Shuffling cards in the opponents deck was a counter. I am sure they did not think their fix would cause this. Correct text should be “started with no duplicates and has no duplicates”

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I feel people like you would still be complaining and wanting Reno to be 12 mana or something. He is balanced and you can play him too.


ppl play aggro//otk not because of Reno but because they want brainless wins

there praticly no counter FOR control right now if none at all

especially if your a wild player

tell me how reno counter the following
1- otk by turn 3 from druid…
2-otk by demon seed lock by turn 6 while they also vomit bunch of 8/8 4/4 on board for FREE
3-otk from pirate/garrote rogue(aggro turn in 1-5)…otk by turn 6-7 with 48 dmg from garrote pair to imp)
4-Demon Hunter vomiting pirates endlessly every turn wrecking your face b4 you can even reno to heal
5-mages chainning free pyroblast + board filling every turn from turn 5 onward

6-Pirate priest…fill the board on turn 1-2 which board clearing spell can’t handle because the minions health are too high…playing Zephrys on turn 1-2 wont give you lightning storm to counter turn 3 if the opponent dont have enough on board by turn 1

now lets go in lower tiers deck
7- Shaman repeating reno battlecry 20 million time with shudderwock…not ONCE…literal spam of it over and over while simultaneously locking your hand down permanently by making all your cards cost 8-14

8- radiant elemental priest…drop stuff on the board ? they otk you with potion of madness while all their spell cost 0…brilliant !

9-Priest abusing Raza and Mage abusing Coldarra Drake to spam infinite mana refresh from Reno Hero power…while reno board effect dont rly need a nerf…the infinite use of his hero power should be fix as its an immediate lost as soon as its active

10-Mill Druid(Dew Process making it obnoxious as heck to deal with)

what other deck should i point at Thread ost ? while Reno on its own is not a problem, cards that can combo with him cause some of his design to be a problem…but there a very very simple fix for these problem which aren’t related to board clear

the following can be done (refresh 2 mana crystal(ONCE PER TURN) for his hero power
as for shudderwock i think he’s overdue for a nerf himself in the following way
“repeat all battlecries from non-legendary minions you played this game”…doing so will prevent the spam of rly powerfull effects and make him more balance
if shudder get that fix he wont spam Reno battlecry 20+ time nor keep opponent unable to answer him completly

lets be real here Ole…Reno doesn’t stop you from using your own board clear to clean their board if there stuff on their board…but usually their board is empty because they kept dealing with your non-stop aggro…so you dont even need to clear anything to begin with !..oh and if your in standard you got hart as back up if your aggro didn’t finish your opponent…Reno wont confiscate the otk hand hart give you(unless your unlucky and get mage deck from hart)(forgot which other class is also bad from the hands he give)

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it’s otk “one turn kill” not otk “this kills me eventually” just for your information (fyi).

retry…as soon as tamsin is played your dead next turn even if at max health(praticly otk)

druid…ok ya i be tanking 100+ dmg to the face on 3 ^_^(if thats not otk idk what that is)

as for garrote rogue they otk for 48 dmg as soon as they emptied their deck from their pirate…there no surviving it even if you were at full health somehow

unless your trying to say dead on turn 1…which is not what i was implying…also i didn’t type otk for each of those decks…only for the ones who actually can kill in 1 turn

nyway…dead on turn 1 and dead in 1 turn is 2 different meaning