Endless double battlecries and doubling of stats

Soooo, is the game unplayable now? I’ve played a few games tonight, and it’s so far it’s mostly been warrior after warrior with double battlecries… I’m fighting taunt minions with stats like 30/40 every, single, turn… The balance feels, very-very wrong, even compared to the usual levels of wrong. There are excavate cards being used to summon like, 30 mana worth of minions in a turn… Cards are being copied again and again to repeat these exploits, and it just, it feels like this wasn’t planned very well…

I tried showing this game to a few friends, and literally no of them want anything to do with it.


ye this mini set maybe lose any interest in the game, its not HS its warrior HS with an obviously dumb legendary card


At first I was considering buying the mini-set, but then I realized most of the cards are “ok”, but one Hyper-good card, but it’s soooo good I’d feel forced to play warrior, but also, I’d expect it to be not just nerfed, but banned in wild! It’s literally too good… All these recent cards that double the stats of everything in your deck, are just, I realize they’re meant to be late game, but so is Deathwing, right? If I play a Deathwing Every-Turn and still have no power to stem the flow of their attacks, or doesn’t that seem unfair? If 12/12 is enough power to warrant tossing out my hand, why can other players get double or triple that value, full stop?

Again, I was going to get the mini-set, but now it feels more like a requirement to stay in the game… Not to mention that new hero that wipes the enemy’s board and not their own. That’s how a lot of these recent decks seem to count decks that run taunts to counter their huge-huge minions.


30/40? you shouldnt afk for several turns not a good idea no other explanation for seeing something this rare all the time

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it is 30 \ 40 in total on board
warrior players pls dont comment


No, 30/40 from hand. They kept boosting their hand, deck, and doubling stats. They’d return the cards to their hand, so I couldn’t counter. I did as much as I could to stop it, but couldn’t.

30/40 minion from hand.
I had a purified dragon nest and was able to keep up for a while, and occasionally board clear, but it wasn’t enough. They also played a Titan which boosted their max HP to almost 50, which I didn’t realize was a thing?


This isn’t new. Where have you been while Mages have been playing Time Warp multiple times? There’s just so many outrageous combos in wild now it’s not even funny. Never has the “rock-paper-scissors” slam against HearthStoned been more appropriate.

Imagine playing a NEVER-SEEN cursed Warlock deck and suddenly the only thing you’re matched against is Waygate Mages, The Demon Seed Warlocks and Spectral Cutlass Rogues where all you do is pump them up!

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Bro you just gotta win by turn 4/5, It’s that easy!

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these devs need to be fired


why ?
because they arent supposed to release fun cards for us to play with like they did ?

you sound like those kids crying on fornite subs because they were one shoted by snipers (every game has someone saying the devs should be fired because they lost a game)

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That’s honestly how it feels, which is, weird… I also wasn’t able to do that because they were playing taunts non-stop. I got them down to 8HP, but I simply couldn’t do enough damage to kill them. They polluted my deck and also had lifesteal minions boosting them back to 50… I was doing my best.

I’m aware there have been worse decks, but where was I? I left. Vamosed. The game was centered around only a few viable classes, and it began to feel really toxic. Every so often I’d check back in again to see if things were Fun, and for a little while it was, but this makes it feel toxic again, plus there’s no way to get new people interested, and old friends dropped off.

@ Boreas
He’s criticizing them for allowing blatantly, predictably, problematic cards into the game. It’s the responsibility of the Devs to act as a filter, guarding the game against cards which will make the game worse for everyone. A card like this is genuinely cool, but seems like it’s a better fit for weekly and solo events. When anyone can use it, it feels, problematic.

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i don’t see how they could have got the Primus (the titan that can increase your max health) if they were a warrior. strange.

anyway, my sympathy. stuff that sucks, sucks.


Thanks for your sympathy. It’s just, I want to like this game, but how can I do that when I keep battling players who have seemingly unbeatable decks? Right now I’m fighting someone who keep replaying the Azurite Snake. I have a max HP of 9, and it’s still in their hand. I think they haven’t played it again because they’re toying with me.


Boreas and Cestea are the same person and pro blizzard, blizzard can do big sh.it, he will always prove blizzard right.

Such fanaticism is necessarily a Blizzard employee on a player account, probably a moderator who likes to make fun of the players, a troll except that he doesn’t do his job reporting players’ information.

If he is indeed an employee, he should be fired.


That’s a very serious accusation. If that were true, it would represent an extreme abuse of power and a betrayal of the community’s trust.

I’ve just played a few more games, and in each one they were using cards to double stats and return cards to their hand. This is going to make for a terrible meta… Doubling stats once was already nauseatingly OP, but doing it 2-4 times…? What deck can stand against that reliably, and not poison the experience for everyone else?

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Lets be honest! There has been so many nerfs and reworks that you can have only 2 viable conclusions.1 being the game designers are out of touch with hearthstones game interactions and are focused on spicing up ones they are familiar with. The more obvious reason is they understand that players will “net deck” and have very little interest in creating anything original. Players prefer to feel the power of an otk deck or the decks played since the mini set release ,since they don’t require making the correct plays to win (play this and then that and you win0. It brings attention to the game, which keeps it relevant or you will spend money to join in the frey and laugh as your opponent is all but helpless.

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Does it though??? I literally can’t convince anyone to play it, and I as a player personally find OTK decks to be pathetic and a greater cause than most for me to walk away.

Currently fighting Brann+Alestor, meaning 14*2 damage, four times… Two cards generating 112 damage… The damage potential of these cards is just, wow… I forget what the name is, but there’s a term for the, damage potential cards have, in terms of how valuable they are in a deck. A fireball for example only does 6 damage for 4 mana, but paired with a few other cards you may be able to chain it and do 11 or 15 damage, but 112 via two cards…

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There’s “fun” and then there’s overpowered, ridiculous, NOT-FUN cards and mechanics. Why am I even replying to a Blizz shill with over 13,000 posts? Get out of your basement and breath some fresh air.

This is me. I quit spending money in 2016. I uninstalled in 2018 and only log back in every 12-18 months to collect the “welcome back” pack. I play ONE season and uninstall again… completely disgusted with the game.

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I appreciate you understanding. I do want to enjoy this game, I’m just, a bit baffled by some of the cards that end up getting released… Part of why I think I dislike cards like Brann is because there’s no wat to counter the effect once activated, and countering it preventively isn’t always easy. I don’t want to be required to pollute the enemy’s deck, and vise-versa. It’s also not something new players will be able to reliable do with their limited car collections. I presume these cards will become rarer with time as the player base cycles and the new players don’t have this card, buuuuuut, playing in competitive, you end up seeing certain cards again and again because they’re just So strong. I suppose that’s unavoidable, but when I fight someone who give +1/+1 to their entire deck, a few times, that’s already pretty scary, but quadrupling their stats, I mean, how does the average player recover from that?

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