Endless double battlecries and doubling of stats

What’s your rank?

In my opinion the warrior bran deck is weak and needs a buff actually. Bran is too easy to counter and too easy to predict. We all know by turn 6 they are going to drop him. But that is assuming they have it you are not dominating the early field. All agro decks at this current meta and destroying highlander warrior because they can even pop. It takes way too long to be able to drop bran.

  1. Must survive to turn and not get mil, Duke, snake oiled, or countered.
  2. Must have bran and astlaor in hand
  3. Must be able to live around to turn 10 to drop the first astlaor to do 30 damage and that I assuming the player does not have sustain, armor, or big cards to soak all that damage.

I’m not saying the deck doesn’t have weaknesses, but should players feel obligated to use cards to counter specific cards like this? Polluting the enemy deck should be a requirement? And what if you can’t do that fast enough? There’s no way to counter these permanent effects…

As for my rank, that’s not a helpful question. Unless I play 5-10 games a day, my rank’s going to be average, anyone’s would be. I think it’s balanced to require around 400 games a season to get a high rank, and I have a job. :confused: