Duels Runs Coming to an End

This is sad, I really enjoy duels and just because you cannot monetize it, it shouldn’t be removed. At least leave it there just like mercs. It is a fun and exciting way to combine specific expansions to test the game playing Wild Cards. You’re not even publicizing Twist in your launcher. Why on earth would you like to deprive us from Duels too?

On the other hand just give Battlegrounds to the K.I.N.G. team already so you can squeeze profits and focus back on Hearthstone, its modes, advertising it and making the adjustments needed to appeal to players.

Bobby is gone now, stand up guys and make hearthstone great again.


they stopped trying, and stopped caring too it seems

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Duels was the only reason I still played this game and even considered spending money on it. Guess I’ll be uninstalling now


Why keep mercs and kill duels?
It’s makein me reconsider investment into future of the game.


Having played since closed Beta, this is the decision that will likely lead me to leave Hearthstone for good. Sure, I play enough Standard each month to hit Diamond 5 and enough Battlegrounds to complete the free rewards track, but the vast majority of my time is spent playing Duels. Casual to get achievements and Heroic to get cheap packs. Without Duels, I really have no reason to try to keep up with Hearthstone at all.


Horrible decision. I won’t be playing Hearthstone anymore if / when they remove Duels. Is the only game mode I can stand anymore.


Looks like I’m quitting the game


Wow, un-fracking believable. This is is the only mode I enjoyed as it was a variation of the incredible dungeon solo mode. I have been playing hearthstone since it came out , duels was my favorite mode. I will be DONE with hearthstone when this goes through, done with Blizzard, done with the company making these awful monetization decisions.


I’ve played hearthstone since Beta but duels has been the only interest I’ve had in the game since Barrens so I can’t help but consider the death of duels the death of Hearthstone. RIP.


Duels is the only reason I still play hearthstone (and buy packs). Serious disappointment.


I sincerely urge Blizzard employees to unionize. You see what is happening. The execs will keep firing you until they get to the smallest crew possible, so that they can keep pocketing profits that rightfully should’ve been your wages, while reinvesting absolutely nothing into you and into the game. They will keep sexually harassing and overworking you until you can’t go on anymore just because they can. They’re bug-eyed vampires with zero empathy and remorse. All they know is greed. It’s in your power to fight back.

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Duels kept me interested in HS while Standard was unbearable. I ended up playing more standard more than ever the past couple of months because Duels became more stale without updates. Now I think after 10 years this news makes me want to find something else to spend time/money on. I’m super disappointed. Duels content was also really entertaining to watch.


Duels is the most fun mode in the game. Has the least bots. A lot of people craft just for duels.
This decision is very unfortunate, there is a good duels community & there are streamers that promote it.
Please quit removing our reasons to keep playing your game & our reasons to spend money.


This news are horrible, think about it for a second.
First Wild was necessary, then solo adventures we’re added, then classic came out of nowhere, then duels came IN BETA, then BG, then Mercenaries and the last one was Twist.
What do we got now?
Wild is full of bots
Classic full of bots
Who the hell plays Mercenaries?
Solo adventures are Dead and broken whitout the support of new cards and expansions
Duels (I REPEAT IT’S STILL IN BETA SINCE HIS DEPARTURE) close to being dead thanks to this
BG is ok but receives support just because of monetization and track of people
and Twist that game mode were every month you can add a new way to play any expansion or theme in the game from naxxramas to Badlands
WELL Twist is also Dead AND full of bots AND every month or so YOU CAN’T PLAY the gamemode due to “oh sorry we didn’t think what to do this month come back later (speech -100)”

This makes me really sad and furious, I used to enjoy this game whit my brother from time to time, but duels was the only format that really make me had fun… now that it is going to an end Just because you guys at blizzard CAN’T monetize whit it you’re gonna kill it, ok keep Mercenaries a dead game since was born.

Maybe it’s time to leave the game and never come back idk
How could we trust to speend our money in a game where a $60 dolar Diamond card is nerfed and the refund is in a 1600 dust? Do you remember the Drekthar scandal? or thaddius that card that killed other 4 cards?
These anti-consumer practices are what kill the game and discourage its loyal players from continuing in the game as well as putting a barrier for new ones who want to enter and expand the community.


Blizzard please keep duel mode do not do this. There are many duels players who buy packs and cards just for the duel mode. It costs you nothing to keep the mode in, no support needed. If new cards could cause balancing issues, dont allow new expansions in the mode but leave duels in the game. Cmon blizzard do right for the players here.


You’re removing Duels? Why not just, I don’t know, LET THE SERVERS RUN BUT NOT UPDATE IT?
The idiocracy of this decision. I’m glad I haven’t bought a thing since five years ago. Horrible moves all over.

And you’re keeping mercenaries, a boring game mode? Piss off


So you have made an excellent game mode where both your skill and card collection are both in need. You made it broken with tons of random and fun included. Then came some nerfs… Some of them were removing broken part, some of them were removing fun part while making the mode even more relied on random. Then there were so many times you did a rollback to nerfs and nerf again and then again a rollback… Some “heroes” were added to the mode like Druid/Priest and Mage/Rogue who are “totally a good idea to add”. While these are still situationally broken after tons of nerfs and Warlock still having so much outdated hero power))))
I understand you can’t remove Mercenaries because many people have paid for something in it with real money someday before and it’s illegal to remove it. But removing a mode where you can find a game with 11 wins in under a minute should mean that there are thousands of people who still actively play it. While in arena it takes up to 5 minutes to find a game already after 9th win.
Now we know what you were talking about when you said (Something big is coming to duels)
We don’t know what you are doing Blizzard, we just don’t know…
Please let us know what is coming to the game. Battlegrounds duos is not a thing. Are you going to make Kobolds And Catacombs dungeon or make a Duels update based on it maybe? Make a new dev-team maybe? These are doing sht out of the game with each new decision. Who was the person who forgot about Rogue in ladder and created the SNAKE? I know it was one single person, there is no way it was a team who made it.
Maybe Hearthstone 2 with purchasable cards and no more card packs?

I have been playing Blizzard games for almost 30 years and Hearthstone since beta. Right now, I play almost exclusively duels and craft cards for that mode. Other than playing enough standard to complete the weekly quest, I don’t play much else. It looks like I may be done in April. Hopefully you reconsider this.


is probably because the cardsc an be used on any mode

and mercs cant

I think it’s been 2 years since I played a duels match.