Done with the pile of trash

Tired of Reno decks period

Tired of Warlocks placing down 2 15/15 by turn 6

Tired of plagues you can’t get rid of

Tired of the zoo that priest has become

Game is a dumpeter fire


You forgot about the Nature Shaman that kills you on the 5th turn!
The mage who should have a deck like the damage shaman in the face gets a full spell RNG deck!! Whoever manages this game doesn’t do it, it must be because Blizzard is an indie company… When are they going to focus on ranked instead of the dead mode called BG??


We not gonna mention

  • Rogue killing with spells you couldn’t play around cause RNG is fun and interactive.
  • Rogue killing you with Zill stealth + buff and magnetic.

I did but to be fair not even played one of them in the last week.

I am not done with the game, but the “high roll” is too damn high!

Finding it pretty tough to find a deck that can consistently deal with:

  • Pain Warlock and Control warlock pumping out 30+ stats on turn 5 & 6
  • Shaman OTK from hand turn 5/6

Armor warrior seems OK except for it loses to wheel and is boring.


I been doing fine against warlock (and every other class) with the shaman OTK deck. A lot of times when the warlock pumps out their 30 stats, I’m ready to just smash them with an OTK. Pain warlock is just awful against nature shaman for obvious reasons as well.

According to decktracker I’m 72% win with nature shaman. Warrior can be a tough matchup but if you get a good fizzle you can win that easily too.


Agreed… the game still trash… board based decks have zero chance until these stupid board removers exists and when the RNG is against you… It is just frustrating when you play a board based deck and always needs to affraid when stupid Reno comes or other board remover… Or die because of stupid OTK, insane aggro or endless spell “random” spell casting which is giving the enemy exactly everything it needs to defeat you… If you have a board, he gets board cleaners… if you don’t then he get mass summon… pathetic how unfair the game became… this is a sick joke really how the developers can ruin this game by every new decisions they make… :roll_eyes: I always hope for the best and getting the worst… I had enough too… These developers have no idea about balance and fair game. The rotation has just taken place and the game is almoast as bad like it was before. Some dirty mechanics dissapeared and created new ones… just good job really if you want to kill this game finally… I believed You have learned from Your mistakes but it is obvious now You didn’t… Need to change this developer team or the game will die this year for sure.


I’ll hold you to this

If it’s still around, you’re not allowed to play anymore. Deal?

You are not allowed to hold me to anything because you are nothing for me… not my friend, not my enemy… just a name… and the game is half dead already… so there is nothing to talk about here… But I won’t play own decks anymore… deal… only stupid meta has chance and only when the RNG wants it… I won’t invest hours in building my own decks anymore and won’t spend a single cent… deal…

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Yet if you’re still here after a year and the game is still around, I’ll bring it up

Interesting. Why are you talking about it? You’re all over the place.

All over the place is because you can’t understand their pattern of speech. I am the same way (a lot of people are). We know what we are talking about, it is you who has problems understanding us and that doesn’t mean you are stupid etc. It just means your patterns of speech are different than ours.


I agree with people having their own way of talking but one fact preceded the other and thus makes no sense. If the game is half dead and there’s no reason to talk about it, why talk about it?

Perfect example you give here, and it seem as you did not understand the pattern of speach by Cestea, even though accusing him/her of it.

I interpret Cestea as meaning “Gooddaytodie” is talking in alot of threads on a lot of topics in the forum, therefor he is “all over the place” talking about the game even though he claims nothing to talk about.

It seemes as you interpret it as he is “all over the place” bcs of inconsistency in this specific thread. But i do not thing that was what Cestea was implying.

You need a therapist? You seem to love tormenting yourself with this garbage boring game and can’t seem to stop. I recommend you to go there.

There is your problem as we are in one single forum post and I unlike you do not keep up on who is posting what etc.

One post also does not have anything to do with another post in most cases. Perhaps you have a hard on for this poster seeing you seem to know everything he posts.

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To me it looks like someones words got thrown back at them, and that someone had a hard time to defend that, and went for some sexuall innuendo instead.

This isn’t a movie, pal.