Dmoney (streamer) explains the real problem with Standard

Yes because DR DH wants to vomit their hand so their deathrattles are useless since they can’t pull cards from hand. A 8/8 that is basically required to finish off the game because they have no other way of doing so. Are we really complaining about Blackthorn now? Unless you highroll Al’ar or rush minions then is a decent but slow play. Studies is now too strong? You are reaching to find this deck overpowered while saying warrior is balanced.

Couldn’t be because DR DH is actually good against warrior, could it?

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Yeah, its a really reductive assessment of how to play the deck. You could make any deck sound braindead if you wanted.

Rogue - Just draw cards and spam burn 4 head
Mage - Just draw Incanters flow
Shaman - Just vomit board
Hunter - Go face
Warrior - buff hand, win
Druid - vomit board and spam buffs
Priest - Just spam discover and random and eventually you get an answer.

Nevermind that if anyone played those decks in those fashions they’d be terrible at it. Just make assumptions about decks you barely play or lose to alot

People didn’t like it the same way they don’t like combo DH or any aggro like face hunter(because they lose to it so they get frustrated), but it wasn’t even close to the hate priest gets today.
Usually Velen was used in combos and from my experience any combo will get hate at some moment because of the “heeyyy I died even tho I survived so much that’s unfair!”. But OTKs were an accepted playstyle in the history of Hearthstone and at least a velen type of thing won’t get the constant rant that priest gets nowadays.


I didn’t negate that priest having so much card generation/aoe can be frustrating and I agree a huge amount of turn 1 concedes is toxic, but what I meant is that, even if let’s say the card generation will be reduced, priest will need a whole lot of new tools in order to continue his style and be viable(otherwise the class gets to trash tier).
And considering the hard-controlish nature of the class, most of this tools will be anyway a “counter the opponent’s damage and board” type of stuff. So whatever Blizzard does, priest will remain an annoying class simply because it counters one of the most used and popular archetypes —board centric—, having the chance to counter and annoy the bigger population of the game.
It’s not the card generation that is annoying, is the whole nature of the class and this can’t be changed. Ress priest was as frustrating as that new deck, and it’s neither the amount of resurrection or card generation, it’s simply the “you don’t have the right to beat me with your minions”.

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Hmm, I dunno. I agree it will annoy people, like every deck does, but will it be on a large enough scale to be the issue it is now?

Also, Priest doesn’t have to be limited to control, this pidgeonhole annoys me, they quite a few pieces to make a solid tempo deck, hopefully they’re supported.

The devs tried constantly to give priest another archetype(at least as secondary option) and it always failed simply because of the hero power and the cards’s nature from past expansions(a single expansion is not enough to create a new playstyle). Also the huge lack of card draw.
The only damage-deck it ever worked was midrange dragon priest, and for this they had to design disgustingly insane cards for it’s time(Ex: drakonid operative).


That option died last year when Divine Spirit left Standard.

Another play style the community hated.

The irony. At that time Hunter countered Priest.


It’s a strong deck that can fight for board against everything, but it has very little RNG involved and requires good resource management since it doesnt draw cards every turn like mages, rogues and shamans. It’s supposed to be good at something.

They don’t need to vomit their hand, the minions they use do it on its own; like I said, trading against DR DH punishes most decks that cant populate the board as frequently as they do. You can count on one hand how often this deck spends mana:

  • skill of gul’dan
  • 8/8 rushfacewindfury (broken card that can be abused via felosophy and nzoth, on top of being able to have 2 copies of it in your deck - remember, they HoF’d ragnaros for this LOL)
  • the legendary that pulls a buttload of DR’s from deck
  • taelan
  • nzoth
  • illidari studies (shouldnt really count as this card is mostly a filler for leftover mana or a card to bail them out of bad situations

DR DH is good against any class that can’t contest its board, you just seem to be salty against warriors because there’s little to no mana cheating or RNG involved while they can actually do the same thing that DR DHs do, which is, keep the board in their favor.

Like I said in other posts, the reason the deck is broken is not because of the deathrattle minions or the class legendary, its the 8/8 that is clearly broken and can be easily abused. You can rest assured this is the next card they are nerfing on DHs if the devs have a clue of what they are doing to this game.

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Salty over what lol? You can’t hide your bias for warrior and desperately want the deck the beats it nerfed. Also by your own admission if warrior is indeed “balanced” yet they can do the same thing as DR DH who by your own words must be broken what does that make warrior?

Yes, the only thing allowing the deck to be able to win is broken. I am sure if you played DR DH you’d win just as many games taking out II for another big demon that definitely won’t get removed the turn it’s played. Not like that’s the reason DH’s big demon never see play or anything. They are slow with little impact.

LOL what bias? I never even played that stupid deck. It’s just a matter of fact: the deck is good but its not broken, it has no RNG involved in it and takes a lot more skill to play than the other stupid metadecks, especially the DR DH deck that can be piloted by anyone with a half funcitoning brain.

Also, who said I wanted the deck nerfed? Can’t you read? The only card that will be nerfed in that deck (if the devs pretend they do their job properly) is the 8/8. The rest is fine.

Yeaaahhh suuuure that’s the only thing allowing the deck to win, abusing a broken minion. Gotta try harder than that buddy: the card is busted, it will be nerfed. It’s just a matter of time.

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9 mana that recruits a demon from your deck, 7 mana mini rag, 8 mana spell tech…

Demon’s in DH seems pretty good to me: I would really play them as a warlock.
The only reasons why DH doesn’t play a “big demon deck” is because playing aggro (or aggressive decks) is more succesful.

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“Takes more skill”, as if buffing your hand and playing rush minions is taxing on the mind. It’s just as easy as DH but as you say less RNG, again far from balanced as you seem to think it is despite it being said in the very video that started the thread rush warrior can’t be contested on board. Unless of course you are playing DH which can contest them.

Generally if you nerf a card that sees play in a deck that is nerfing the deck. I am guessing paladin was not nerfed according to you even after the main early game spells and minion were nerfed.

Then prove it, if the deck is so good play it without II and see how you fair actually closing out a game. I’ll be waiting to see how that turns out for you.

Again these are too slow. Even if you manage to cheat them out they die on the following turn. Even with the new addition of big demons only II sees play because it doesn’t just sit on the board and wait to die. Even if you can’t trigger the extra attack it can at least clear a minion.

While I more or less agree with you about it.
DR DH at the moment is more than board centric : it’s sticky board centric because of the deathrattles. It can be a nightmare for some control archetypes.

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priest mirror is the punish for playing priest lol. Play rally priest bro infinite boards out value the priests all the time

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They are too slow in DH perpesctive.
If a 7 mana 6/5 that deals 7 damage to enemies is slow, it’s only because DH was used to broken cards.

It sees play because it can deal face damage immediatly, rush it’s just the cherry on the top.

You always can trigger its extra attack, let’s be fair: you have a convenient botton that for 1 mana it lets you choose the target.

DH has good demons, they are not played only because DH has better stuff, that’s it. Warlock would love them

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No, they are slow in general majority of the time and only last the turn they are played. Anyone could look at DH’s demons and say they are op but unless you play with them you won’t see how slow they are. Big Demon DH has been a thing the class has tried since it was released and it has never been good because when your entire deck is getting late game demons out, when they get removed you just auto lose. They have to stick to be impactful.

It sees play because out of all the big slow demons it can actually do something when it’s played.

They are not played because they have never been worth playing. Big Demons as a deck has never worked. Yes, the hero power that you have to wait a extra turn for so you are never playing the 8 mana demon on 8, is that what you are telling me?

You say warlock would love them but would they actually? When is the last time lock has ran big demons that were not being cheated out early like void lord and doomguard?


warlock has Willow and demon synergy (free admission, the prime); I think they would be very good in warlock, expecially the recruit and the spell+2 ones, since warlock would prefer control to aggro

Would be interested to see if that works but I feel it would have the same problem BIG DH has. The demons are just too easily removed. Also DH just keeps getting more big demons when they will never see play for some reason.

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what ???
that card doesnt involve resurrecting or mana cheat there is nothing to complain about it !