The problem isn’t standard, the problem is the whole HS. It’s not a good game, not fun anymore no matter where you play. It’s just a bad game and nothing will ever be done about it. For people who keep hoping that every expansion the game will get better. It has gotten worse with every expansion and clearly that will never change. Also HS developers aren’t only to blame. The HS community is the WORST in all of gaming. Try hards, netdeckers and bmers who think they’re the sh*t always. Just a bad game with a terrible community. Where every negative post is down voted by shills and losers. Even tried playing classic and decided to try ZOO LOCK. I couldn’t win 1 game in bronze for a long time. Because the ONLY decks I faced were tier zero druid decks. It’s sad and pathetic and I’m glad I deleted this game.
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for me, it got better and better, but maybe because I play mostly wild at low rank/casual, where I can play what I want for real
Drakonid operative was considered an overpowered card when appeared. Some people even called it Dr. 5.