Dmoney (streamer) explains the real problem with Standard

Yes and when shaman get you down to around 17 health they get so much damage from hand it’s like game over next turn pretty much.


I think the frustration with Priest is its ability to infinitely generating spells. You could discover more spells than your deck. Being on the opposite side, players couldn’t even guess what’s in your hand

Dmoney is on the money here.

Priest isn’t the root of all problems in HS or this meta. All the other meta decks have their levels of BS:

- DR DH: autovomit-based deck, trading against them is highly inneficient; 8/8 busted rushfacewindfury minion ; legendary that pulls a bunch of deathrattle minions from the deck; discovering dumb cards/answers on demand as well via their 1 mana discover card like sterlina and glide.

- OTK DH: we all know what that is

- Shamans: snowballing minions; drawing just as much as rogue with stupid synergy; 90% of spells hit face; instructor fireheart; doomhammer + stormstrike + rockbiter + diligent notetaker; devolving missiles.

- mage: incanter’s flow (apparently, according to the devs, discounting their decks by 20 mana is fine but refreshing spring water was the problem LOL)

- priest: discover is all they got, the class has no decent card draw and basically the class has to rely on neutral minions to keep cycling renew/palm reading/raise dead. Xyrella is the best minion of the class along with sethekk veilweaver.

- druid: token druids are able to build 20/20 worth of minions by turn 3, nothing else needs to be said really

- warrior: the most balanced of all classes right now, very light on discovery/rng and takes a lot more strategy to manage resources.

- paladin: had to be dumpstered because it was just too much for too long. The class isn’t unplayable but certainly got a well deserved nerf. I personally think the first day of school nerf was a bit much but the rest of the nerfs were needed.

- warlock: yeah, we all know its a one trick pony on standard. I don’t miss zoolock nor tickatus plaguing the ladder.

- hunter: not really broken per se, it is still doing what it is supposed to do. I have my reservations about piercing shot hitting his own minions, since hysteria was nerfed for basically the same reason.


While Warrior in on tier 1 on top of every other class in the game , balanced sure.

Control will wreck board centric. Combo will wreck control. Board centric will wreck combo.
Now if someone start kid-crying because he’s countered? Nobody gonna listen to him seriously lol.

Patron Warrior :pensive:

No, the point is Priest can pull answers out of their butts no matter the opponents plays or deck, rendering a large percentage of their decisions moot.

That’s because of the very small pool of spells being in standard right now, a problem that was mentioned by some streamers even before the new core set coming. It created the same problem in mage with deck of lunacy. On the long term, it will be better but of course in the first expansion will be this type of situations.
But anyway, card generation or not, priest will wreck any type of board centric deck period — because that’s what the class is designed to do. People complaining about too much card generation is just a facade, if it wasnt for the card generation priest had to get another 7 soul mirror’s type of powerlevel clearboards in order to remain to it’s role. So in any of those situations, people would cry because of priest for the same reason : he doesn’t let them deal damage through board.


Sure, people cry about everything. But if it weren’t for the obscene amount of generation, you could attempt to play around things, and fully commit to the board once they uses a certain amount of clears, not play this stupid guessing game. That’s why I find it unbearable anyway.

It’s not as if you’d have a better chance of beating them. It’s that you have a better idea if you’re winning or not, so you can concede earlier in the latter scenario, safe in the knowledge you weren’t throwing away a chance to win. Less time wasted, more time spent on good matchups, less watching them play solitaire.

Totally agree with White Castle.

The game is filled with cheese and Priests gets picked on as their cheese takes longer to experience as they don’t have any real win conditions.


I think they should stop printing cards that mana cheat too early in the game, leading to a turn 1-2 win (the advantage is so big that it’s a win).
For example: they HoF edwin because most of the times it could win the game on turn 3 if the opponent didn’t have an answer;
then, they proceed to print gibberling and the new innervate, with also arbour up and another card that buff the board. It would be fine if this wouldn’t lead to a turn 1-2 board that is 99% impossible to deal with.
(Just an example, I am not hating druid)

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But that’s the point of the class and archetype, to not let people commit to the board no matter what, because the whole class idea is based around hard-countering anyone who wants to win through board.
Galakrond, after resurrect, now this. It was pretty clear for years that the priest’s design concept is to not let people win through board and actually going to spells damage or combos to beat priest.

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The main problem is that with the design of Hearthstone a great Control deck needs to have either:

  1. Large amounts of value generation (Control Priest now, Control Warrior with Dr. Boom 2 years ago, Control Priest with Galakrond, Big Spell Mage with Jaina DK)
  2. Large amount of mana cheating (Control Warlock in Kobolds)
  3. A burst/OTK finisher (Raza/Anduin, ETC, Leeroy/PO/Faceless)

Every time there’s a Control deck lacking one of those it flops real hard, and people hate all 3 of those solutions to the Control problem.

I don’t see another solution that gets a strong Control deck. Look at Warlock right now. Tons of excellent removals, lots of life gain, and it doesn’t matter, it’s terrible.


Nah. Team 5 has made it clear they want hard counters to be a thing of the past. Even if it wasn’t, fine, clear my boards, exhaust my resources, let me concede. The way Priest is now, for all you know, you have a chance of winning in 90% of situations as far as you can see. Only the Priest knows whether that’s actually the case or not.

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I would vote burst/otk finisher as future design. Not because it’s cooler or more fun than the other 2, but because then at least there is a finisher so people would stop complaining about holding the games to infinite.
Now I don’t think control is the most annoying archetype or the most hated, it’s just that is more prevalent now than in the past so the countered dudes come to complain. I remember in the past alot of people cried about aggro as being “the most hated archetype”, the people getting beaten will always be the most vocal.


With cards like Kobold Stickyfinger, Tickatus and Illucia, I hardly beleive they want counters to be a thing of the past. Especially that they are healthy, everyone needs a counter no matter if it’s tier 1 or tier 4.
Now if the huge amount of AoE give that feeling of never knowing if you win or not… all archetypes do that at some level. You might think everyone is cool until the combo player otks unexpectedly, you might think it’s fine to leave that 4 dmg minion on the board cause you’re at 15HP but you just wake up the aggro player use Leeroy and Kill command, or 2 fireballs. It’s a part of the game.

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No. Illucia and stickyfinger are tech cards designed to even the odds in bad matchups, not further polarise good ones.

Those combo and aggro finishers are things you can absolutely expect and play around. you might not always beat it, but unless you suck its not something that should ever take you by surprise.

Tech cards to counter the counter. If kingsbane counters you, you can always use stickyfinger to counter her, same with illucia in combo decks cases. Tech cards are to help against counters.

It all depends on their draw. A leeroy can very well take you by surprise if used with another tool. Also people can expect to have their board cleared — considering the small pool of spells, there’s a huge chance priest got a clearboard, so always be ready.

Yes counters need to exist. Not autowins.

As someone who both plays Priest and against them, I know how often your generation can whiff, and how bad it feels as the opponent. The amount of turn 1 concedes makes it objectively a problem, whether you think it is or not.

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That’s what Priest had 3 years ago.

And do you think people liked it? No. The class rework pretty much eliminated those. Velen and Mind Blast got HOF.

So now the developers are placed between a rock and a hard place. Do they bring Velen back or create a new mini Velen (which could be a Wild problem) to use with the buffed Shadowform?