Dmoney (streamer) explains the real problem with Standard

High level player, makes some good points.


No he don’t make good points.

Anyone can be lucky and get some crazy highrolls.

You also can’t balance the game around highrolling or otherwise you gonna have to dumb it down so much that even the actual hearthstone gonna feel like rocket science compared to it.

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“that fact that Shaman is so consistent is just very frustrating”

He totaly lost me there unreal, God forbid Shaman gets some type of consistent deck and doesnt need to rely on high rolls to win also high rolls are a big no no acording to him as well.
He doesnt even know what he wants its just a rant.


Are u aware of the fact that he is right in every point?


“If you have a good opener, you win” repeated multiple times. It’s difficult to not be right with that argument about a card game.

He is right, but it’s all been already said.


Priest is certainly the problem at high legend. It combines all the infuriating things about the game into a single impenetrable package lmao.

Tons of discover with a really good pool of minions and spells? So it’s impossible to plan against your Priest opponent? Check.

Extremely long games that seem out of your control because of the aforementioned discover solitaire? Check.

Hand and deck disruption making miracle and combo decks suffer too? Check.

Priest has answers for any board state, any combo, anything you try to do. It punishes you for creating any board state. Punishes you for both destroying their board (Raise Dead lmao) and ignoring it to try going face (Apotheosis). Punishes you for trying to keep cards and amass value in hand.

It’s absolutely terrible to play against and overtuned. And the fact that this class has trouble going face doesn’t excuse it, in fact it’s one of the things making it so obnoxious - it tortures the opponent for 20-30 minutes.

After playing Priest mirrors for an entire week in top legend I went to play bgs and almost want to quit ladder altogether until they delete the class lmao.


Those would be good points if we weren’t playing a card game.

You obviously have a higher chance of win with actually good openers in any card game.

And even if I actually disregard that his premise is literally that hearthstone is a card game but wrote in different words…
how you would make it be any different?

Even if you nerf all good openers in the game there gonna be just other openers that gonna take their place as “good openers”.

That video is a mix of “captain obvious” with a player giving feedback about the game saying “please design that other game instead”.

i didnt watch the video, but i think his point is high rolls allows you to negate good openers from your opponent. now its just about getting a good opener and you win. so the game becomes too frustrating and lost cause to play a match if you get a bad opener and your opponent doesnt

Yeah that’s only a problem when Paladin does it right


Sounds like one of our miserable forum members that’s never happy with the meta no matter what. Honestly, Jesus Christ, what are you aiming for in your perfect meta world? What would it look like?


I agree this game is becoming extremely frustrating, it’s even on reddit…

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Who gives a flying duck if it’s on Reddit?


Did you just compare Paladin to Shaman …the class that has been more times on the top than any other to Shaman lmao.

Are you ignoring how Shaman is doing literally the exact same thing Paladin was tared and feathered for on this forum, with similar win rates and matchup charts? Just dropping down never ending high tempo plays, only now with the added bonus of actually having burst damage from hand on top of it?
Of course you are, because it’s only a problem when the “wrong” class does it.
This board is a god damned joke.


No its a problem if a class pretty much lives rent free on Tier 1 while Shaman gets a consistent deck every full moon.
Paladins are Kings of consistant decks get off your high horse , i know having Paladin at tier 3 must seem odd to you after many years on top.


So it was only a bad thing for Paladin to do well only because it is Paladin. Thanks for confirming that your thoughts on balance are completely useless and should be disregarded at all times.


You dont want a debate you ignore facts and math ,its all about insults and the whole world is wrong but not you goodbye and blocked.


so when there are rng heavy decks in the meta the streamers complain about rng and inconsistency

and when there are deck with barely any rng…they complain about the decks being too consistent !!!


And when there’s Highlander decks they complain about the inconsistent gameplay, and the difference between games where the payoff cards are drawn.

They have to provide nuance to get taken seriously.

What I got out of the video:

  1. Priest player, reassuring us everyone else is wrong, Priest is not the problem.
  2. The problem is that games are too fast. We need to nerf everything to slow down the meta.
  3. Enjoys playing against Warlock. Complaining that Warlock is weak because there’s too much Aggro.

Is this really a Priest player? Because it’s like they want to create the conditions for the Control Warlock meta that everyone in the forum, Reddit, Twitter, etc wants nothing to do with.

That moment shaman puts a 1 cost 1/3 on the board that builds when playing other elementals.

And people are cool with that? People got mad when paladin got 2 free 1/1 cards. And those were 1/1 cards…