DKs everywhere, (almost) all the time?

Since last expansion it seems the vast, vast majority of opponents I play are DKs that more or less play the same deck. Cards are also played in in the same order.
Installed a tracker, and my opponents are 64 % DK (from Bronze to Platinium) over approx 50 games in standard ladder).

What gives? I know Hearthstone has grown increasingly formulaic, but this is bit much…

Tl;dr: Bring back Steamcleaner or an equivalent.

BOO HOO the tears are massive – get gud

Answer (x characters):

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play a deck that requires some semblence of intelligence, then comment again.

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DK is very F2P friendly. I think it’s great that beginners can play decks.

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You’ve gotta be joking, right?

Unless you mean that the starter deck — the DK option among those offered — helps with that, including, at the very least, this bit:


Otherwise, current DK decks are quite expensive to craft.


There’s something very satisfying seeing those plagues start to roll . . . especially after you’ve played Helya!

Found the degenerate DK player.