DH tier 2 or even 3 you say?

Just faced a DH

So now all they do is board wipe with the automatic in hand cards.

Eye Beams
Imoolation Auras
Chaos Novas

Boards are wiped

Ashtoungue Battlelord some life steal and waste your minions to get by
Wrathspike Brute. More board wiping as it only effects ALL ENEMIES.
Warblades for some Lifesteal and backup board wiping

Now Raging Felscreamers the next demon you play cost 2 less.

Now your Hulking Overfiend is a 6 cost and smashed the whole board. If your board wasn’t ever wiped by the previous it sure is now.

Netherwalker, discover a Demon. Oh gee, lets pick the best demons possible for this.

Boards is clear! Will always be clear! Now drop the Furys and use Weapons to win the game. 12 dmg from Furys.

Wow. Demon Hunter. About 10 different wats to create braindead decks. Ni skill required, just flop em and plop em.

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Are you complaining your opponent didn’t let you win ?
Because you sound like you are

Yes , you just need to have a brain and experience…clearly Max has neither.

Because clearly you have more.


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Wait, so you actually arguing that DH does not have a 60% winrate?!


There is a deck with 6.8k matches with a win-rate of 64%. I am not counting the ones with less than 1k matches which have a higher win-rate.

As a comparation, Rogue has around 60% or lower : https://hsreplay.net/decks/#playerClasses=ROGUE&gameType=RANKED_STANDARD&sortBy=winrate ( see the deck’s with high matches ).

So yea, there you have it. This is called statistics, which you guys seems to ignore them lol.

6,8k matches is nothing in global hearthstone statistics when an classes overall winrate is determined by hundred of thousands of games. its like saying a small village equals an entire country.


Have you ever heard of … surveys? You don’t go and ask your whole country if they like ice cream. You do a survey on 10k+/- people and voila. You now have solid % statistics about how many likes ice cream.

Blows my mind that some people in this thread, are ignoring real statistics just to defend their game/class/whatever reason they have.

says the guy who went through a list of all variations of a deck and then picked one that suited him to use as statistics. if you instead used the most played version of that deck you would get 55,38% over 127 298 games, but i guess that wouldnt support your argument and therefore should be discarded?

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I already addressed this:

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True. Instead cards like Altruis, Glaivebound and other like cards that hit face should only hit minions. The DH can do massive damage to face on his own. The chip damage from cards makes it worse.

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DH is an agressive class, get used to it.

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you forgot to add

DH has 52% win rate not 60! for some reason you refuse to mention the overall win rate
and the same site you take your links from lists DH as a tier 2

I actually thought I’d try out Dh today I am usually not playing as it, but I thought after the nerfs I wanted to see how good or bad it was

The answer… it’s soooooo bad it’s unbelievable… it’s the worst deck in the game by far… every minion it plays just dies almost instantly to anything
It is so trash it’s just amazing how people can somehow imagine claiming it’s any good… couldn’t win a single game with that trash class… It’s complete and utter garbage…
and it makes sense because when ever I play against them I always beat them… so it’s happening both ways… but yeah… wow only if your draw was perfect and your opponents draw was awful is it possible to ever win with that deck…

This is a good way to equilibrate

Leave the idiot alone, he clearly has no clue about this game…Lying here and there that he plays ranked . Also stating that Priest doesn’t really counter DH