DH tier 2 or even 3 you say?

Statistics aren’t based on luck. And on a large enough sample of players, “good” and “bad” luck will cancel one another out, which is why aggregated statistics across many players are a better means to evaluate the state of the meta compared to individual experience.

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You either play DH or priest counter to DH seeing you are so limited in your vision.

Funny you should mention Priest as a DH counter, because that’s only true at Legend (and only true of Highlander Priest). Any Priest deck at Diamond and below is on average either evenly matched or unfavored against DH. Which goes to show the usefulness of aggregate statistics when evaluating decks: we can tell that a player’s skill can influence a matchup, otherwise you wouldn’t see the trend described above.

But I guess your galaxy-brain explanation would be that Demon Hunter players at legend are just more unlucky than Demon Hunter players at Diamond and below. Because that’s how luck works, don’cha know.

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My galaxy-brain answered all his question when you confirmed you play priest.

There is quite no need to explain more in your fancy words and “aggregated” statistics shananigans…

You play priest you counter DH so you don’t see a problem in DH , so you just brag about “aggreated” statistics, and evaluations using fancy words , while you know that DH is broken this is why you play to counter it the most boring deck in the universe…

Play anything else than priest and come back stating your “aggreagate” statistics bullsh@t.

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And where did I do that, exactly?

No, you’re right. “dEmOn HuNtEr Is StUpID” is a much better explanation.

Where did I “brag” about aggregated statistics? And what does that even mean? Am I bragging about data I didn’t collect? About what a website I have no stake on? So much projection my dude, you should open a drive-in movie theater.

You do understand that regardless of what deck I play, the statistics I’ve referenced (which for the most part anyone can look up in HSReplay) remain the same, right? Like, the fact of the matter is that DH isn’t as powerful as it used to be, and the meta reports from data sites like HSReplay and ViciousSyndicate demonstrate this. How I personally feel about the matchup has no relevance to my analysis, because unlike you, I’m not basing my argument on my personal experience, but on the “‘aggreagate’ statistics bullsh@t” you seem to dislike so much.

Of course, that’s not surprising. If you can’t argue the facts, all that’s left is to attack the person arguing against you. Welcome to the logical fallacy of argumentum ad hominem, hope you enjoy your stay. Looks like you’ll be here a while.

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Won’t argue anymore…You are a priest player, you like to rope me with boring wall of texts…

You confirmed playing priest when you didn’t deny playing it …DH still 60% win rate after 3 nerfs…So I guess your aggreated statistics have an explanation for that also ?

First of all that’s a really bad place to get statistics. DH is not OP no more. The meta deck is awful against taunts and unless he has the legendary ignore taunt card out. Hes awful against zoo type decks merlocks any type of swam deck imo.

Imo my personal tier list is this.

Standard Tier list High level of Play

1 Rogue

2 Priest

3 Paladin

4 Hunter and DH about tied it just depends on the match-up

everything else

Warrior goes up above paladin depending on The match up

Note this Tier list is considering the Upper levels of play and high to highest level of skill.

Where did you get that DH has a 60% winrate?

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then why are you writing it? rouge and paladin are placed way to high in your estimation. warrior, dh, and hunter all place above rouge and way above paladin

Last time I am ever responding to your posts.

I’m done with your attitude.

This is my opinion. This comes from personal experience. My rogue is high legend first class to make it there. My second was priest.

Can I re-use that line sometimes ?


Check HS replay…59.8% tempo dh top 2 decks…Feels bad that you don’t know , seeing all the aggregated statics that you purely seem to dream at night.

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You’re making a similar mistake as the one KABAL made at the beginning of this post. But instead of going too broad, your focus is too narrow. You can’t point at a single specific decklist as representing the entire class, because not everybody runs the same list. Again, a much more accurate evaluation of the archetype is shown in the HSR meta page, where the overall Tempo Demon Hunter winrate is currently at 54.9%. Strong, but not a 60% winrate.

And as an additional fun fact, that top-performing DH decks you’re talking about? It has favorable matchups against all Priest decks, with the “worst” matchup being against Resurrect Priest, where the DH deck has a 57.9% winrate. So much for your claim that Priest decks counter DH.

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high legend priest players lists priest vs dh as an even matchup, so makes no sense to claim it counters it when not even the best priest players think so

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Ok, based on your aggregated statistics and strong analitic deductions , I can deduce , not going too broad, and not having my focus narrow more than you think it is, that you haven’t hit legend and you still play above diamond 5 , last statement is a little far fetched since you might not even play ranked based on what you spew out.

Just to be sure, I have deduced already that you play the most boring DH counter of all times , priest deck. Since you are all with statistics and stuff, it’s possibly the obvious galakrond priest, and you mostly play for quests, a little far fetched to think you ever hit diamond 5, because you seem to think statistics are what counts yet you cannot play that good …

Did I get them right ? Did I “accurately” reverse my narrow horizon ?

If yes I can abandon you in your little math corner seems like there is no reasoning with low level evolution primates.


If you’re going to claim someone is a “low level evolution primate,” the least you could do is proofread your posts to avoid obvious typos.

EDIT: but while we’re having fun, let’s dig into the rest of your post.

I’m currently D9, thank you for asking. Of course, a very cursory search of my recent post history would’ve shown that, so it’s not that impressive. Similarly, a majority of players are sub-Legend, so it’s a safe guess that any rando off the street (hi!) is more likely to be not-Legend than Legend.

Again, good job with your stalking and/or playing the odds! I do play Galakrond Priest for the most part. It’s a fun deck. Not sure what the rest of the screed is, but clearly you have a chip on your shoulder about something, and if lording your alleged HS skill over me helps you cope with your issues, the least I can do is let you do it. Hope you figure out whatever is bothering you dude.

Not really, since nothing you said above has anything to do with the discussion. But again, if going on a tangent about how I’m not good enough to have an opinion helps you deal with whatever bug crawled up your butt and died, I am just happy to be here for you. A shoulder to cry on, if you may. Or a shoulder to berate, if that fits better.

I really don’t have time to search in your posts ( people really have better things to do in life, not stalk you for example)…I only deduce simple things from simple minded beings.

Seems I got it right, diamond 9 barely above average, with a priest deck…Guess the shoulder is for you …

with those strong words i really want to know your ranking

I only hit legend and just drop it for the month…it’s too much of a RNG grind fiesta to begin with. I only play for the quests lately since hitting legend takes like 4 days of grind.

You do not need to be legend to talk about statistics