Developer Insights: Pre-Release Tavern Brawl

Developer Insights: Pre-Release Tavern Brawl

Game Director Tyler Bielman shares details and insights about the upcoming Pre-Release Tavern Brawl.

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Your event doesn’t really make sense. Who are the potential pack rewards meant for?

As a free-to-play player or someone who doesn’t pre-order, paying an entrance fee to win packs from the upcoming expansion would make sense, but these players can’t use the new cards because they don’t own any.

However, if you’ve pre-ordered and already have 60-80 packs, you’re probably not very excited about paying an entry fee to win more packs since you’re already covered.

It would be refreshing if, for once, you thought things through. You could do so much more for your community.


uh hearthstone players

dont know why are you complaining …instead ill use my free run to get those 2 packs

which is the more likely outcome for me…

hard to believe you are really complaining about hearthstone players getting 2 free packs


Read my post again, maybe you’ll figure out what it was actually about.

Hint: I didn’t mention “free run” once.


im guessing you wanted to complain just to complain
thats why you didnt mention it
we are getting 1 perils and 1 darkness beyond pack with 0 wins

and with that free run well be able to tell if is worth spending 300 gold(or 2 tavern tickets ) on another run

you left way to much info out on purpose

they banned renathal and

" In the Pre-Release Tavern Brawl, you can build a deck with cards from the following sets: Core Set, Event Set, Whizbang’s Workshop, Perils in Paradise, and The Great Dark Beyond."

so players who didnt pre order can still try building a deck without the new cards


Okay, you seem to be overwhelmed with the given task of making sense of my post, so I’ll explain it to you.

Let’s assume you, me, your grandmother and everyone else used their free run to get 2 free packs.

Now let’s keep in mind that my post was about f2p players / people who didn’t pre-order.

The event is supposed to allow you to use the new expansion’s cards in advance. Cool. Problem is, me, your grandmother and other f2p players don’t have any. So we’re joining just to play our old cards = event failed. Well, as a consolation prize we got two packs for free, which we otherwise would’ve just gotten by logging in - alright.

Now the free run is consumed. Next entrance costs gold. Now, why as a F2P player, if I don’t own any significant amount of new cards in order to build and try a deck, why would I buy a ticket? I will only play my old cards, so apparently it’s not for me.

But if we look at your grandmothers best friend, Patricia, she pre-ordered 80 packs, the mega pack. She’s drowning in cards. Why would she pay an entrance and hope for 6 wins in order to win even more packs? Especially if the reward is performance-bound?

The event doesn’t speak to one or the other group. It’s just badly designed.

If we could at least try all cards for a couple of days during the event - against the entry fee - that would’ve made sense.

The way the event is set up right now is just missing by miles.

No, these sets being available doesn’t mean they’re free. It’s just an overview of which sets are part of the event, you still need to own the cards you want to build a deck with. In the previous news where they announced the event, they clarified that you can open your new packs earlier and use the cards you own during this event.

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When their decisions are driven by lust for money, and not better gameplay, don’t expect too much logic.


First: Have you seen the rewards? Lots of packs for f2p players to win.
Second: Have you ever played an ‘old’ meta deck in the first few days of a new expansion? It crushes the unrefined new decks.

I’m going to play that Brawl, and I intend to not open a pack before Nov 5th.

Edit: I will be using my heap of unused tickets, it’s not worth my gold.

I can guarantee you that top players / streamers will come up with some very broken decks in the first few hours and everyone who pre-ordered and has all the cards for it will run them.

Meanwhile the old meta decks won’t be suited to beat them because they were designed around an entirely different meta, set of matchups and power level.

all I can say is right…I’ll let the like button talk and you have 2 likes. From millions of players

So including the preorder set in the pool for people who didn’t preorder in a meta were power cards are specifically put in the new sets to boost sales, is not a problem ? You think that you can still win even though you didn’t preorder with whatever scraps you have…

Are you in the blizzard marketing department ?

They literally said the first entry is free. If you choose to pay for more runs beyond that, more power to you.

They could’ve given us a free arena ticket instead. They decided to give us a ticket for an event that we can’t really fully enjoy without preordering.

Yeah millions read that post, and only 2 liked, /s.

oh so you complaining about

f2p players getting packs for free "

we get a free run so
we are guaranteed to get 2 packs because thats the reward for 0 wins
1 dark beyond and 1 PIP pack


What an absurd thing to complain about. Even if you paid 300 gold to enter it’s still free because you’re getting 2 regular packs even if you don’t win a single game.

So pre-purchase players have an advantage in this event… :thinking:

I love the idea! i just hope i dont finish 0/3 anyways.

I think we all win, the p2w’s open their packs earlier, and the f2p’s are not excluded from the opening event and get some packs trolling with cringe tryhard decks without new cards as usual they do in the first days of the new expansions…

That’s because I am not complaining about what you assume I am complaining about. Practice your reading comprehension.

Those who pre-ordered can try the new cards early, that’s their incentive.