Dev Insights—Upcoming Card Adjustments

Should’ve happened years ago but at least it’s finally happening. Looking forward to it.

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I don’t think it’s really a matter of what decks are playable, but how the gameplay looks like. I am rogue player, so if they managed to make pirate rogue playable that’d be a plus. Still that’s not my issue with the game rn.


I really like what ive read i think alot of us can agree with whats being said.

I have one question if they want to decrease the powerlevel in standard should we not have just nerfs and no buffs or do we need buffs for the weaker classes.

Looking forward to the balance patch increasing player agency is always a good thing :slight_smile:

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This should be innate throughout the game. Nothing should be able to be reduced below 1 mana imo.

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Agreed… I started to believe they really wanna make some balance changes finally. :crossed_fingers: :eyes: :crossed_fingers:

Here’s some agnecy idea’s, it would be nice if you guys actually published the patch notes ahead of time like you use to. I don’t understand why you guys decided to only release the patch notes the day of the nerfs.

But lets be honest, regardless of whatever you guys deicde to do in the game… there’s always going players complaining not matter what you do.

I don’t Reno that much of an issue. But hey that’s me, and if you guys change him, I don’t care either way.

Hopefully, you guys will adjust zilliiax with Rogues who have pretty much kill you on turn 6 becuase you can’t counter it.

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Yeah! We trust them so much! Still awaiting promised big update to Duels mode they’ve announced back in the days!

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Don’t believe a word of this. They say this about every update and fail us everytime.


I’m so glad they introduced the term “Player Agency” to get around all the pedantic nonsense spouted about how “Wiping the board over and over IS interaction!”

This meta is what happens when you make the board irrelevant. Control players are steaming mad that their strategy of just killing everything a High Agency player puts onto the table doesn’t win them games. Instead there’s nothing worth killing at all now, and they just get their faces roasted by OTK strategies. Honestly, they deserve it.

All aggro, tempo, midrange, combo, and control decks should need to STICK MINIONS in order to advance their game - not just fire-and-forget Battlecries, Chargers, Deathrattles, Hero Cards, and a grip full of spells.

If you don’t put anything worth keeping onto the table in 3-4 turns, you should lose regardless of what deck you are playing. No single card you can play on Turn 5 should erase all the mana and damage spent on Turns 1-4. Every deck should be BUILDING a board towards their victory condition AND have to deal with the other player smashing minions into their board.

That’s the heart of Player Agency in Hearthstone’s core design. Cards that undermine that completely (like Reno, Lone Ranger) should never have been printed.


And you didn’t know that when you released Reno last year? It was literally the most overpowered card in the history of any defensive play; it would clear even the locations and anything dormant; it was a devastating defense to anything “board”.

Here’s a suggestion; get a grip on actual stable balance; stop trying to make “big swings of imbalances to make it exciting” because it’s too obvious that you do that (also in other Blizzard games) and in the long term you lose players fed up with it.


Finally all my turn 1 auto-concedes vs Time Warp quest has paid off


Dear Blizzard please unnerf the Kabal Lackey, and all broken combo decks will just disappear from wild. Secret mage just don’t give them play

7 years and Blizzard guessed to make “once per game” keyword… Imagine if they did it in 2017 instead of nerfing mage’s QUEST, not the reward


Every single person playing plague is doing so because Highlander is disgustingly unfun to play against. Lose game with fun deck to highlander nonsense, create plague deck. If plague bothers you, its deserved. Get expletive deleted

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Feels bad as a lock main that a card everyone said would either be bad or feel so frustrating to play against it would get nerfed until it was bad in wheel of death. So now lock is gonna end up with 2 useless legendaries for this xpac. fun fun. great design

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While these cards are a lot of fun for the players playing with them, it was clear that those playing against these cards often felt they had little agency in their ability to affect the outcome of the game.

In my opinion, balance patches are supposed to adress power outliers and make the meta as diverse as possible. Earlier Whizbang cycle patches adressed decks such Paladin and Shopper DH and were toned down at an acceptable power level without making them “unplayable”.

However, past decks like Death Blossom Whomper Druid, Snake Warlock and Pyromancer Druid were far from being meta warping, yet “balance” patches have made them unoperable, effectively taking the fun out of the players who crafted and enjoyed them.

Increasing the overall feeling of player agency, as stated, is alright if it works in both ways.

I’m worrying that the most vocal pieces of feedback are getting exclusively acknowledged and other less vocal players that are currently enjoying the game are going to be left behind.



Reno - clear the entire board except for your leftmost card, and limit each side to 1 minion for a turn

If you read your line again, doesn’t it mean the person playing Reno is ALREADY limited by that one minion?

Thirsty Drifter - not less than 1

This means that drifter will ALWAYS be active target for Pip to copy.

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I’m happy to hear this news. I’d only like to point out, Wheel of Death is like #4 or #5 in played win-rate in Wheel Warlock. I’m all for power adjustment. As long as it’s done properly across the board, I’ll concede that nerf. From what I’m seeing playing Wheel Warlock, as an aside, Wheel of Death isn’t typically what wins me matches.

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It’s nice to recognize how much of a failure some of the card design have been this set. Looking forward to the patch.

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I’ve been saying for years that Hearthstone used to be a fencing match, and now it’s a duel at twenty paces with rocket launchers. Whoever shoots first wins and you don’t have to aim.