Demon Hunter Obnoxiously Overtuned

The competitive game is actually unplayable right now, as people who have never played Demon Hunter are able to trample any non-DH class.

Constant hero power spam with unmitigated aggression, egregiously overtuned cards (3 Cards with 3 Mana Discount on Each), Disgusting early game pressure ( A ONE MANA 2/2 with infinitely stacking attack thats easy to gain), Sustain with 0 Mana 3 Dmg Lifesteal, Infinite Attack Spam on minions, a 6/7 who immediately does 6 damage, the list goes on.

Every class but DH got severely nerfed by nature of losing a year worth of cards, and DH has cards that are so extremely overvalued that it throws out all semblance of balance for sales.


Normally, I dislike complaining on day one, but DH is so overturned it’s almost impossible.


yes there new shiny thing,not even my welding goggles can protekt me on this shiny.
totally out of control.


Wow, Blizzard released a new extremely OP class in an expansion, never saw that before…

What did you people expect honestly? That DH being a balanced class that will fit right in the meta?

Im playing Blizzard games for over 20 years, and what i ve learned from my experiences is the fact that as soon as Blizzard makes a “balance change” for a game, just quit, right then and there. Because it starts a downwards spiral from then on. And on top of that, as if they make a perfect job balancing things, they add a new class. Overwatch, wotlk, mop, legion, i could go on really.

A few months ago i made a decision that starting with this expansion, i will only be playing the game once or twice a week, maybe even quit it eventually. Im glad Blizzard proved that i made the right choice.


Agreed, it’s a bit insane actually. Nearly impossible to try and play anything else. I think I am going to lay off ladder play until they get that crap fixed. Totally insane.


The problem is a 5 mana 10/6 that cant be interacted with until its too late.
This class is severely over-tuned and making any attempt to climb is completely overshadowed by this class.


100% agree. Add in the legendary that bypasses taunt and Maeve to put a creature back under and it really goes to plaid.


oh and the card draw is a little out of hand too. SOOOO much card draw.


not was this game needed imho,move it away from fast decks.


I honestly don’t know why everything for daemon hunter is so damn cheap. Every single card is 1-3 mana undercosted for its effect. Every. Single. One.


I think I am done with all Activision/Blizzard games they are just plain out to get your wallet and nothing else. I now know WHY so many of the older Team 5 people left the company as it is 1000x apparent they didn’t like the direction they uppers wanted it to go.


So, if you want to play Demon Hunter the Ashes of Outland expansion released April 7. If you don’t, or don’t want to be run over by it, the nerfs, and functionally, the rest of the set will be released soon™.


It’s working as intended, like what do you mean? Do you imply that they should have tested it before they released it?! Thats preposterous!


For me, it is time to do the only thing that makes sense. Vote with my money. I feel good about myself for buying items/cards/upgrades in free to play games because I know I am supporting hard working developers.

What am I left to think now? Either, these devs don’t work all that hard (balancing/play testing) or, this is shameless self-promotion at the expense of my hard earned money? Well, if any Blizzard community people are paying attention, taking statistics, etc. Please note, I will not purchase anything for this game going forward.

My hope is that you do something to this release quickly enough to make me (and likely thousands of others) even want to come back your game. So disappointing…


Guys and Gals, it’s day 1… I think because the class is brand new folks may not know what to expect and what turns to play around and so forth. I’m not trying to be the guy who rains on your parade but the class, while powerful yes, isn’t over powerful. I’ve been doing okay with Quest Hunter and Secret Rogue and I bet Warrior and Gala Warlock would probably be okay too. Don’t get disheartened.

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Nope your way off. It is in fact that stupidly OP. Played enough games at this point to know. Been playing almost exclusively against DH for about the last 4.5 hours.


You said you were playing Priest and Mage yeah? May be that those are just bad match ups?? Is DH op? Yeah. But I’m not feeling that they’re “stupidly op”. I’ve been getting tore up from Gala Warlock and Gala Rogue more so than from DH. But hey man, to each their own opinion. I hope your matches go better for you.

Built and piloted well, it is extraordinarily strong. Very, very hard to beat that class because it is so efficient. This is from my first few hours of legend gameplay where I versed them 90% of that time.

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Where do I sign? Demon Hunter is even destroying classes on WILD, WITHOUT USING ANY NEUTRAL CARDS! This is the most ridiculously broken thing I’ve seen being released by Blizzard. Their balancing team must be on paid vacation because of coronavirus, so they allowed a RNG computer to balance everything.


Yea they are destroying classes even at wild format but they use atleast one neutral card Bakou Demon hunter.

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