deck tracker application like overwolf, arcane tracker is safe or legal to use ???
i saw someone post on facebook he got ban by useing deck tracker application But on the other hand i saw lot of proplayer useing it with out any problem
The fact that some third-party sites use battlenet API for authentification don’t make everything on these sites “legal” or “safe”.
Topic starter, you can use them on your own risk.
Blizzard’s official stance has always been “We don’t mind if it doesn’t do anything you couldn’t also do with pen and paper”, but the have not given a more specific set of guidelines.
And people who have practiced keeping track of plays using pen and paper can keep up with what happens just like the decktrackers do.
Explain it to me then in way everyone can understand that you can alter files that causes manipulation of the statements you adressed above.
Lethal indication i can understand because it requires just the info on your current board state, but that takes a huge amount of time to make a program that can find your solution every turn but for the larger part that lethal indication would only suffice on complex board states.
Autosquelch is impossible with pen and paper, but it doesn’t affect gameplay. I understand why Blizard wouldn’t care.
Topdeck prediction? Animation speedup? Those sound illegal.
The topic of this discussion is “Deck tracker or arena helper”. I use deck tracker extensively and it has neither of these features. I uninstalled arena helper after giving it a try because I like deck tracker better, but to my understanding it doesn’t offer these features either.
Lethal indication … deck tracker has an option where it can show tot total attack value of all remaining attacks on the board. That’s something one can easily do with pen and paper. (It’s faster to just do it in your head. I’ve switched the feature off since it hinders me more than it helps)
EDIT: To add that as far as I know deck tracker doesn’t support autosquelch either, but I heard that tools exist that have this option.
And how does this relate to the original question? As far as I know, neither of the two tools the OP asks about break into the HS address space.
HS deck tracker specifically merely reads the log files.
But source code doesn’t.
HS Deck Tracker is an open source project, and the source code is available through GitHub: