Dean Ayala's Community Q&A - Menu Revamp, Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Tickatus, Deals

That wasn’t a “sale” for normal means - that was holiday sale, all blizzard stuff had a 40% discount if your talking about the 1 in 2020, which again isn’t REALLY a sale to PROMOTE wild. It wasn’t plaster or announce in any forum or etc when that happen cause it was a Blizzard sale in general not a heathstone and it made most things cost 20$ instead of 25$ which isn’t much of a sale for old adventure that no-one outside wild player would got.

What I mean by a Sale - do something like the Miniset w/ Gold - You can’t buy the adventure with gold once it goes wild WHICH IS THE BIGGEST SLAP IN THE FACE - Only way you can “still” get it with gold is IF you got the 1st wing in gold before it went wild, which most if not all new player won’t know unless they look in the client to see the adventure as it doesn’t show unless you bought it.

the adventures are the only way to do pve content in HS. if you enjoy pve more than pvp they’re a good value.

for me i enjoy collecting and pve. i play HS essentially cuz i get daily and weekly quests. and to unlock things on my pass. and do the pve content i have access to. if it was just “spam ranked 24/7 to get gold” i wouldn’t play.

Yea but it’s also slap that they rotate wild and people can’t use gold on it also - that is again - slap in the face, you’re allot to spend gold on older packs - adventure shouldn’t be block behind the money also IMO - They really should do something to make it easier access - some people might wanna spend their gold on it while buying latest Expac - or just getting events that make them on sale much like when they did the Dungeon run speedruns - it brought allot of attention to the PvE side of the game, and we don’t know if the upcoming Merc will need ur own cards so showing off the past adventure w/ cards can help people maybe get into the mood of the PvE content.

I personally don’t think there should be a Payway only for PvE content def when it old as it make people either FORCE spend money or they just buy lastest card dust nerf card and craft card they needed for wild.

It also make the whole “Relive 2014” era of Hearthstone for those who didn’t didn’t know about upcoming adventure or Expac literally a toxic waiting pool for something to do in the game. They can seize this “classic” and Merc Book to show off older content or even do event that can give it out at a discount gold, it might get some people to spend some gold Before an Expac and could increase sells abit also.

They aren’t looting money over something most people don’t know is there, or people who only care about standard now and never knew the older Adventure and get their “dust” money after doing all the adventure that might change their mind on wild abit and give it try.

Again slap in the face and miss chance on older content being used.

I’m hoping for more words on the main menu. It’s odd that Battlegrounds could be the most popular mode in the game, or at least in the top four, and is somewhat hidden in a submenu. Meanwhile Tavern Brawl and Solo Adventures are on the front menu.

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Please start working on Monk :smiley:

The Book of Heroes/Mercenaries is gone on (still going on) for longer and I dislike it even more.

Yes pretty much. Pure Paladin is more a grindy attrition deck. Against decks that play on board it has good pressure because you get 2 of their cards for 1 of yours out of your buffs and stuff then with your winning board snowball you get pressure. Against a deck playing off the board like your typical Tickatus Warlock your are the one on the losing end of that exchange losing 2 of your card for 1 of theirs. You are getting bad card economics in that matchup as the Paladin.

why people love to change what they say whenever the devs say something?

If your defiant of low pressure decks means “something that relies on minions to deal damage” then a whole lot of decks are terrible matchups for Tickatus Warlock, you realize this right

It’s significantly easier to be happy when you’re not starving or worrying that If you bump your finger particularly hard you’re gonna be out of a roof for next month.


Can’t buy me love. 🥲

Everybody tells me so :thinking:


Say you don’t need no diamond rank
and I’ll be satisfied

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Tell me that you want the kind of things
That winrates just can’t buy


Someone needs to do this parody on YouTube.

Well, you better get on that.

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The last thing you want is me singing.

I guarantee it’s better than me singing. I drum for a reason.


Point taken, but it is just as easy to be happy poor as it is rich.
I had a fair amount of money and was miserable.
Conversely; after I crashed and burned my entire life, I changed pretty much everything and have been reasonably happy ever since.

“Poor” is a relative term. There’s a difference between broke, living in poverty, homeless, and “Sally Struthers fund raiser.” Having lived in the first three states I can guarantee that happiness came much more readily the more money I had.

It’s even easier now that I’m well off because I can use that money to create bigger and better memories with my kids and grandkids.

Certainly happiness existed in every stage of my monetary life, but if someone says there’s no correlation then they’re wrong.


I will agree there is a correlation between having what you need and being happy, but some of the best days of my life were living with four other people in a three room apartment, subsisting on Ramen and multi vitamins, convinced that We were all going to live forever, and set the World on fire with Our better and brighter ideas.
Youth is it’s own form of wealth…