Dean Ayala's Community Q&A - Menu Revamp, Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Tickatus, Deals

Forged in the Barrens

  • The rewards track will reset when the expansion launches.
  • Classic mode will go live with the expansion launches.

Demon Hunter

  • They didn’t have as much lead time on Demon Hunter as Dean would have liked.
  • Demon Hunter was created in a similar timeline that a regular expansion would have been.
  • They had some really crazy ideas for the hero power that they may have been able to do if they had more time.
  • Much of the time spent on the development of the class was nailing the basic design that not much was spent on archetype balance.
  • Dean is happy with how Demon Hunter turned out, but if they do a new class they should break off a small team earlier to work on it.


  • Adding achievements for old adventures is something they will eventually do.
  • Dean thinks old adventure heroes would make great rewards for achievements.


  • They are working on cosmetics in Battlegrounds.
  • They have written art descriptions for cosmetics but it will be a while before we get them.
  • Dean would love to show Battlegrounds info on the friendslist in place of the Standard and Wild ranks.
    • They have art and UI questions to solve.
    • If it is something that won’t require a lot of work and require them to cut something else, they’ll do it.
  • Queen Wagtoggle and Hooktusk will be added back into the pool. No timeline provided.


  • They are working on a new cosmetic that is coming soon.
  • Dean is excited to see what people think about the new cosmetic.
  • The rewards track is primarily a way to earn new cosmetics. They didn’t want to harm their other revenue stream with it.


  • Dean fought against a certain card that has Charge in the nerf reverts.
  • Leeching Poison was not reverted because they thought wild would be less fun.
  • “If 10-15% of decks are Tickatus decks I think that’s probably a bad thing, regardless of whether they win or not.”
  • Whizbang the Wonderful isn’t the only solution to making it easy to jump in and play Hearthstone.
    • Dean thinks it would be sad if he remained in Standard and players didn’t care about cards outside of the ones in his pool.

Dual Class

  • A dual-class secret could happen but Hunter/Rogue isn’t currently a shared cross-over.
  • Dean would love to do an entire year with dual-class cards.
  • He thinks it would be hard to do the entire year, but it is fun to think about.


  • Doom in the Tomb went on too long. If they do another one like it, it has to be shorter.
  • Dean considers minisets an evolution of doing meta-shakeup events.
  • He used to think that it would get harder over time to create new keywords; Not anymore!
  • They tried to remove most of the major win conditions out of the core set. Things get stale otherwise.

The Future

  • They have thought about having a character in a 3D space within Hearthstone. Decorate, explore, meet friends.
  • A rework of the main menu is on the to-do list.
  • Daily Deals in the shop are something they have talked about. They aren’t exactly sure how to do it yet.


  • The meaning of life is to make money to watch anime, eat good food in a good house with good dogs.
  • Is a “sucker” for top x-style content online.

I’d love this. I’m not going to spend money on these and don’t really care about achievements, but if there were actual rewards I’d complete them.

Yes, please! Each expansion could include different crossovers with new heroes to explain why they exist.

Please, no. I don’t want to be unable to log in for a day and miss something cool. Weekly is good.

I’m actually wondering how that’ll work.

Will it be like; complete this adventure in heroic and get the portrait or will you unlock skins with your points ?

His comments on tickatus made me shake my head. I mean he is basically acknowledging that the card should have never been printed. I don’t understand how the devs cannot see this when they are making these cards.


He’s not saying that at all. He’s saying that it’s a card some people find to be a lot of fun. Like Mozaki, for instance. If it shows up too much then that means it’s too powerful and may need a tweak. Not “it shouldn’t be printed” but “it may needa nerf.”

According to HSReplay it’s in 6.5% of decks in the lower ranks (I don’t know about higher). If that number is accurate across all ranks then the card is a good one.


5.3% of deck @ diamond 4-1 with 47.5% deck win rate,

Interestingly, it is most popular in the gold and platinum bracket.

However, starting from bronze, the higher you climb the more its winrate decreases and the less played he becomes.

In silver 50.7% win rate, gold 49.5, platinum 48.8, diamond 48%, diamond 4-1 47.5%, Legend 46.8%.


They honestly should do sales on old adventures to be honest since you can only buy that with money now - making it cheaper for newer player to get into wild/duels with the old adventure or even make it semi cheaper with gold as option like they did for the mini set.

Really feel like they’re missing out on the fact old adventure aren’t going be something someone new will just put money on in this late of the games life.

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He’s saying that if it sees any sort of consistent play, even if the decks don’t win, it’s a “problem”. I don’t know any other way to take that other than the card should not have been printed.

If they really want to start making ranked as fun as it once was in this game, they need to take a hard look at cards before they print them and consider the effects they’re going to have on the player base.

I’m not singling out tickatus either. There’s tons of examples of cards/decks that just leave you wanting to not play another game after you face then whether you win or lose.


This is a game, period. Not a competition. Everyone gets the cards they want to have fun. Most cards are hated by players because they play decks just as bad or worse, such as a Card Draw Fatigue deck (AKA Organic Mill).

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A PvP game is, in fact, a competition between you and your opponent.


But Tickatus actively denies players from playing the cards they want to have fun with

As shown by the stats, Tickatus isn’t as good as people make him out to be.

He’s just ruining people’s fun.


this sir is a jerk. 20 characters

Regarding tickatus, there are 80 cards that see more play then tick. Doesn’t seem like its getting nerfed any time soon. Honestly, I see Y’Shaarj getting nerfed way before Tick with its 10.9% play rate in HSreplay.

Except that’s not what he’s saying at all. He’s closer to saying “if it sees excessive play.” The numbers right now don’t lie. It doesn’t match his definition of excessive.

Don’t take my word for it:


tickatus is 1legendary minion ppl not build deck to it just add till is good option like all paladin deck have lord barov or alura then paladin deck problematic too? like 90% druid deck use survival of fittest then is problematic too? ETC ETC all class have something whats you found in EVERY deck what is CANCER and ppl hate 60% current deck is ROGUE anything going on solve this ? nope
so question …: tier 3-4 deck use 1legendary card is a problem lol …some ppl just wanna beat all opponent in a row and when hes face going to wall just cry on forum nerfffff this card now!

and all cry 15-20card destroyed in me deck…just loooool 100/1? more like 1000/1? most time is 10card not more very rare you see full bulided tickatus deck and all forget not so easy play tickatus when you must clear board or you die next turn by play card whats do almost nothing!

Except it doesn’t really deny anything. You can’t play cards that are still in you deck. This is the mill fallacy that inexperience players fall into. Cards not in hand aren’t cards you could ever play that game, burned cards only matter if you went into fatigue. The value of cards in your deck that you haven’t drawn yet isn’t that high.


Anyone who thinks this needs to re examine their belief system.


Ok but the decks it often gets used and is effective against are control decks who want to go the length. Who sometimes go to fatigue. Not because they don’t have win conditions, but because the Warlock removes their stuff and puts them in a fatigue win condition.

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you remember ress priest hate in forum? wl solve it …

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