Dean Ayala's Community Q&A - Menu Revamp, Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Tickatus, Deals

Sad but true. Youth is wasted on the young. Naivete and ignorance can be blissful. :smiley:


I love Shaw… 20 characters

Non-aggro decks that are doing just fine despite Tickatus existing -
Whirlkick Rogue
Secret Rogue
Highlander Mage
Engrage Warrior
Bomb Warrior
Control Warrior
Big Warrior
Pure Paladin
Libram Paladin
Ramp Paladin
Guardian Druid
Highlander Druid
Highlander Priest
Rez Priest
Soul Demon Hunter

It’s not an issue. If it becomes one they will nerf it, Iksar is clearly hinting here.

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Paladin rely more on minions because buff as a large part of their plan. Other decks use minions alone. Buff+minion =2 cards. Bad card economy if you are losing 2 cards for 1 vs going 1 for 1.

And paladin is tier 2 while warlock is tier 3 or 4.

Paladin could win that matchup. Just people go too much into value. Against Warlock your buffs are burn when you have a face opportunity same with Weapns. Weapons are usually the only reach in Paladin and that’s a big part of pressure, the ability to get those last point of damage from hand which Paladin lacks.

Tiers also do not matter in specific matchups. A Tier 1 Scissor still loses to a lower Tier rock. Tier are like grades of Rock,Paper, Scissors a Tier 4 Paper is like tissue Paper while a Tier 1 Paper is like Thick Construction Paper for example. In Tickatus case its more like the Tissue Paper a good rock punches through it instead of being covered.

I have loss against Tick with benedictus deck. Warlock managed to play Tick 5 times

“The meaning of life is to make money”

That depends on what you/he means by money

On a purely philosophical level, money is a tool people use to represent labor (and some other things like replacement for bartering with goods directly, but that’s not important for now). Labor in turn is a representation you contributed something useful to someone in society (assuming you “earned” that money, not from stealing or something).

In that sense, making money is to be a useful productive member of society, so there’s nothing wrong to believe in that.

It only becomes a problem if your own belief system says money doesn’t do this, or are no longer doing this because the system has been corrupted (read: by whoever your belief system deem as enemies)

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Ouch. Luckly that barely ever happens. As far i know the only deck that runs Tickatus on ladder is Renolock and those do generally 3 times max. The original and one paired with Brann(compied from Zola).

There was this one time they got more from Raise Dead but thats so rare i cant consider it an issue…i did lose that game though

True. Timmdorr83 said “doing well” not “beating Tickatus.” All decks have matchups they’re highly unfavored in, even the tip top tier 1s.

I would say the match is more for the lock to lose than for the paladin to win

The tickatus lock decks usually run a combination of removals, taunts, and heals. This means if the paladin isn’t using burn, the damage he gets to land on the lock’s face will be very slow

The locks having better card draw also means it’s more likely for the lock to find the answer he needs than for the paladin. Heck, the lock might be able to drop a threat that the paladin struggle to answer because the pally’s board being contained. If the pally uses up some burn to kill the threat, well that’s good for the lock too since that’s burn not hitting face

So when a paladin does manage to win, it’s more likely the lock had REALLY bad draws to not find any answers (or failed to use them)

He had raise dead and that demon hunter / warlock duplicate a demon and Brann. I was playing meme deck because it was in casual. I had mana quest weekly and I couldnt get even 100 mana done