Dean Ayala's Community Q&A - Menu Revamp, Battlegrounds Cosmetics, Tickatus, Deals

You’ve intentionally left out half of the quote. The money serves a purpose: to increase his happiness through other means.

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Money doesn’t create or even facilitate happiness.
Though the powers that be would love us all to believe that.

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I thought they would add a new tribe but nothing is mentioned about it so i guess thats off the table now?

Cosmetics for BG worry me because of the issues already there when it comes to animations. No animated minions pls lol.
I cant see people spending money or gold on cosmetics in BG either tbh so i hope they dont spend to much development money on that. I rather see new tribes and heros more frequently

The rewards track is primarily a way to earn new cosmetics. They didn’t want to harm their other revenue stream with it.

Wait what? Does this mean the rewards will get lowered and instead we get cosmetics? Not sure what to make of this statement though the rewards are maybe a bit to generous and currently do conflict with selling packs and battlepasses i can see that from a commercial point of vieuw.

Very true. That’s also not what he’s saying.


Money can provide tools that create happiness.
Unless your ideology is communism, of course.

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Nerf Tickatus already ffs.

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So decks with no pressure and a bunch of dead cards against Tickatus decks are bad against it. Who would’ve thought?


My ideology is humanism:)

Even decks with pressure can be controlled and put in a fatigue loss. But it doesn’t really matter. The game is balanced mostly around the meta, so Tickatus will probably never be touched. Fun is completely irrelevant because it’s such a subjective thing.

Rogue, or DH, or Hunter will keep eating them alive post rotation.

Didn’t one of the devs just say that if Tickatus decks get too popular then it might be changed?

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Sure. But the only way that happens is if aggro isn’t king.

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My solution was to ask Benedictus for more cards. Havnt lossed against them yet.

That’s incorrect.

Warlock players seem to salivate over playing it every game, and will play Malicia with a single Soul on deck against any deck if they feel they can get away with it in order to play a follow up Tickatus on 8.

And no offense but the biggest snowflakes in this forum have always been Control players. Always complaining about the latest unfavored matchup even when those decks are garbage. I mean you don’t see anything like that from Aggro players complaining about Risky Skipper. And Risky Skipper has been in a bunch of Top Tier decks.

Pure Paladin is now a dead deck with no Pressure huh

What do you think is going happen after rotation???

That face will be the place. Sure there’s no more charge minions. But there’s still weapons.

It seems highly likely there will be Rogue nerfs sometime before or after 20.0 though, and honestly thats the only thing keeping Tickatus in check really

I do hope they keep words on the main menu and not have it be in the style of the Modes menu where you have to guess which is which based on vague images (yeah, I know when you click on an image you see the corresponding mode, but it’s be better if words were just used in the first place).

That was Iksar, but clearly it doesn’t fall within his range of what isn’t acceptable. That might change if the meta slows a lot and more people start wanting to use it.


They actually have done a sale of Naxrammas within the last year. It’s more sad that they don’t put as much effort into the book adventures. I have Naxrammas and League of Explorers, and both are better than the book adventures. Don’t forget that Galakrond is free with the first Descent of Dragons pack as well as old C’thun with your first Old Gods pack if you want Wild format cards.