Daily Quest Issue

I have the daily quest to have Nozdormu the Eternal in my starting deck, but I’m unable to do add the card to my deck because as soon as I pull up My Collection, and try to build a deck and include Nozdormu the game crashes. Please please please fix Hearthstone so it stops crashing all the time. Tried playing tonight with my son, and in1 hour of play time the game crashed 10+ times.

What device do you play on ?
If PC there’s a repair option in the blizzard client. On mobile I don’t know if it exists

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Did you try importing a deck through copy-paste that includes Nozdormu the eternal? Because that might work.

I play on an iPad that’s just over a year old. It’s always updated and has 20 gigs of free space. I have been on the phone with Apple and they said there is nothing wrong with my iPad.

You could always delete and reinstall. That has fixed my problems before on iOS.

You should probably post items like this in the bug sub forum. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/c/bug-report

I opened a ticket because this has been going on for over a year. I did everything that the GM’s told me to do. Uninstall the game, clear AppStore cache, turn off iPad, let it sit, turn it back on, then download Hearthstone. Did not make a difference, still crashes. I was then told to contact Apple support. I spent 30 minutes on the phone with Apple in which they connected to my iPad and scanned everything to make sure it was ok. They said everything is working perfectly so the problem has to be addressed by Blizzard.

I tried copying and importing a deck, but as soon as everything is imported Hearthstone crashes before I can click Done so it’s not saved.

The obvious easy solution is to not do the Nozdormu quest like I dont lol. Just reroll it every time. If you have no issues with the game other than with Noz, its like when you go to the doctor and say “it hurts when I do this” and the doc says “then dont do that.” lol

all kidding aside, its never worth it to do the Nozdormu quest anyways and since it crashes on your device, its double not worth it.

How is it never worth to do a quests that rewards more xp ?

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if it crashes your client might be one reason lol. Another is the effort involved in playing a match with Nozdormu in both players decks lol. Another is the additional task required to put the card into a deck that it doesnt fit in. Plenty of good reasons not to do the Nozdormu quest. It isnt like its giving a free pack in return, its just a bit of xp like all quests do. I reroll a lot of quest like win 5 games of ranked, or play 10 miniaturize, nozdormu, etc. Id much rather have the spend 600 mana or play 30 battlecry minions or deal 200 or whatever dmg to other players.

There’s a difference in stating specific examples, and simply saying it’s never worth it

I complete my noz quest with a deck that actually runs nozdormu on a daily basis, it’s suboptimal compared to another big dragon but since the goal of the deck is having big dragons for free, that’s still a free 8/8 in that deck

before that I just made a copy of an aggro deck I was playing and replaced a non critical card for him. Since it’s an aggro deck and the games are short I’d rarely see him and even more rarely would it be a dead weight

I dont see the difference in the quest xp as opposed to what it rerolls into be of substantive difference to make it ever worth it. So each specific example I listed paired with the miniscule xp difference makes each of them a good argument for when it would never be worth it.

Maybe not for you but thats subjective just as my statement was subjective. Your take on it isnt an “objectively its always worth it for this tiny amount of xp difference and all these other steps needed and also dealing with a crashing client when attempting to do so” in the case of the OP.