D0nkey found a counter to DH

Can you guess what?

Ofc, you can just open his stream or check up his deck on his own website, but still, if you wanna guess, here’s your chance :slight_smile:

EDIT: For clarity, it’s Zarimi priest
Easy to find a counter when you own a tracker site xDDD

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Aggro Priest!

That’s actually a good list, I didn’t know Whelp Wrangler gave you taunt dragons…wtf how did I miss that.

And he’s playing against Wheel Warlock…and that Wheel Warlock at 800 legend is running Geode.

Isn’t that interesting…I wonder who else suggested running that in a completely different thread…


I haven’t been having trouble against Demon Hunter with my buff shaman, but that is probably not what you are looking for.

You can safely ignore Scr0tie xD don’t bring his discussions in new threads xD

he’s biased towards diamond 5-1 and stats from trackers, forgetting that those stats are tainted by people who have no clue about the game.

And yeah, Zarimi priest finally found its’ purpose, and I’m jumping on that train xd

(yes, I’m aware of what i once said about priests, but that was directed at thief priests)


Yup, time to play this deck and see how it goes.

I played against a similar deck yesterday but I destroyed it with Wheel Warlock because the early board clears are nasty. I wonder how it holds up against other Control decks.

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I played 2 and lost both. It’s definitely harder to pilot than it seems.

But I’ll get to the bottom of it. Watching him pilot it, at least I have proof it works, so I’ll just keep trying until I figure it out

He’s got 17-5 on it at the moment


Is Zarimi priest really good against anything else in the meta tho? I can see how it would be good in the dh MU, but seems hopeless against warrior, and even against wheel lock.

I honestly think I’d be more successful in ladder with my secret dr hunter lol

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Well he’s legit smurfing in 1k legend (720 now)

EDIT: 644 xD He’s getting ranks faster than I can type

My first fight is against Shopper DH…so we will see…

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I’ve hated this deck since i first saw it day 1. Time walk has ZERO place in HS and always has. At some point before it rotates in two years that dragon will need to see a significant nerf. It’s not a matter of if it will it will be when.

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Timewinder Zarimi? or?

First time playing the deck against Shopper DH

I drew really bad, he drew fairly well. But he was forced to deal with minions on board with me constantly threatening.

I won via Zarimi.

You definitely need to know how to pilot this sort of deck.


It wasn’t pretty, but I got the job done

Not bad considering it’s my first time ever piloting it and never drew a Clergy and I was playing against arguably the best deck in the meta.


Currently yes but even back when Mage did it.

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2nd game

Whelp Wrangler is so good how did I ever miss this card.


You don’t own a tracker site xDDDD

Cheat mode on

It’s like God coming down from Heaven to play Hide and Seek

Unless you played it in Arena or a dragon deck you wouldn’t really know it exists.

Well I did destroy a DH fairly easily (although they did delay my Zarimi lethal quite a bit with their constant pressure).

But I lost against a wheel lock so tremendously it was honestly quite disheartening. I feel like this deck may run out of cards in hand terminally badly if it doesn’t draw well. I might keep trying and see how it goes. I am beyond dumpster ranks in legend tho, thanks to my long sessions experimenting with druid decks; so my motivation to climb is pretty slim

Same here, so it’s good time to experiment with new decks, although when you win you can’t be sure if you played good or the opponent was just bad

I don’t know when to go in and when not to. Maybe the deck is just a DH counter and d0nkey just had luck streak against the others.

Don’t know, don’t care, as long as it deals with what awaits for me back in my ranks (DH, DH, DH all the way)

Alright, 5 games so far and here’s my take.

Every game seems winnable. I beat DH, Wheel Warlock, Brann Warrior then lost to Rainbow DK and Plague DK although my Plague DK fight I should have won and I was 1 off lethal…the problem with DK is they can board clear easy with poison so there is some learning on how to go all in.

But I feel the main reason I won is because the opponent’s had ZERO clue what was about to happen.

The combo is to have 1-2 minions on board that don’t seem threatening…then you dump hand, play a free cost Zilliax with Zarimi. On your next turn, you can kill off a small minion and grab another Zilliax (or even get another free Zilliax with Pip). You want your Dreamboats to come down the same turn as Zarimi, so you can technically go all in at like turn 7 with no Funnel Cake combo.

People were just sitting around 20 health thinking they are OK against Priest…like Warrior thinks “no threat here at all…turn 7 play Brann with no worries” and they have zero clue that massive damage is coming next turn.

IF they knew, they would play different.

So if this deck gains more traction, people will learn to play around it.

That being said, how good will it be when they learn to play around it?


Well, just because you know something is coming, doesn’t mean you can do anything to prevent it xD

If it makes you play suboptimally to play around something which may or may not come the next turn, you’re sabotaging your own chances

Against aggro decks, especially, sometimes you just have to play like you’re invincible and hope for the best, because that’s more often the winning play

So I wouldn’t be afraid of that as much as I would be afraid of it swinging the meta towards its’ counters (warrior seems lowkey unbeatable if they know what they’re doing)

Let’s just hope that Priest stays underplayed as it always has been xD

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