D0nkey found a counter to DH

Well, I can tell you for sure this deck won’t see tons of play at lower levels. It’s not easy to pilot and feels a lot like Naga Priest, which only saw real play at High Legend.

But this is certainly a deck those High Legend players will like playing. They absolutely love that play style and I expect to see this deck used there and virtually non-existent at Diamond Ranks.


Was told recently by Scr0tie that Aggro Priest was laughable and tier 4

Meanwhile I went from 15k legend to 3k legend with Zarimi in a day


Yeah, you can safely ignore his tier lists, lol, they’re a good joke, though, always make me laugh

He has good takes in other things, though


That Rainbow DK control deck is deceptively powerful. You can do a variety of things with weapons to opponents. So much discovery as well.

His problem is he frequently gets stuck in his own analysis and jumps on anyone who hints at something that runs counter to it, even if they aren’t calling him out.

FWIW I went 10-2 vs DH today, I am sick of playing vs them tho. I honestly liked the meta pre-nerf. Endless DH is boring af.


His biggest fault is his love for statistics and he relies on them to tell him the “true” story as he sees it.

Often times, the stats don’t tell the real story.


Can you elaborate with what? I’m struggling find a consistent answer, and I sure as hell don’t want to craft priest cards lol.

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By Zarimi priest, which this thread is all about

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God if this is the only consistent counter, I’m going to just dump this game. That deck is almost worse than the DH deck.

Cure is worse than the disease?


Well, if it’s not your cup of tea, then yeah, ig xD

I was on the verge of despair yesterday and now I hear about this…I never play priest, but I play aggro, so I’m down for it.

And it’s the only consistent counter we know so far, but hopefully not the only one, and hopefully DH still gets nerfed lol

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It is. This thread is about a very good player getting decent results with a meme tier deck.

It’s literally 6th highest win rate deck on donkeytop stats, diamond-legend

And I trust those stats because Sludgelock is 3rd with 57,5%

No other site puts it that high, which is unreasonable considering my own win rate with it being 59,5%

And I’m nobody special.

Anyway, it’s pointless to even discuss these things with a person who believes that a diamond 5, who doesn’t understand the game nor the deck he’s playing, can be a reliable source of how strong a deck is.

All discussion after that is futile.


Yesterday I beat every DH with Hero Power druid, if that’s more to your liking.

EDIT: oh and non-tendril Control Shaman, my homebrew list. It seems that every deck/class I said could stomp Shopper DH actually does. What playing control decks in HS for 10 years does I guess…

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Can someone help me understand why this card is good against DH?

Also I saw Zetalot playing this deck but with Alexstrasza and Playhouse Giants for an OTK focused deck. Are you guys talking about that version or the more tempo based one?

I really wish Rake was still in Standard, that’s the only thing missing from making the deck actually good. How do you deal with the DH matchup? Isn’t the deck susceptible to Aggro?

Jasper Spellstone and Hero Power. Also the Blossom that gives 10 Armor, and Earth Pendant to tutor Yogg and Eonar.

In the late game you plant Sing Along Buddy and the 2/3 from FoL to refresh your Hero Power and for 8 mana gain 20-24 Armor and either nuke the DH’s face or delete the biggest minion.

Can you share your list? :slight_smile:

This is what I’ve been using. I’ve also seen lists with Celestial Projectionist to get more copies of the HP minions but that seems like it’s just as greedy.

If I were to make cuts, I’d probably drop Zok and Freya, then Justicar and Joymancer. Swap in Watcher of the Sun and maybe Swipe. But Eonar - Refresh mana into Freya - copy Eonar - max heal can end the game against DH and Hunter straight up.

But many times you simply don’t need Joymancer to end the game, or never have the space to play him. I actually don’t think I’ve played him a single time. He’ll give back all HP minions and Sing Along Buddy, though. If your hand has room, which it probably won’t.

Justicar just gives an extra +1/+1 on Hero Power which stacks up quickly when you’re using Sing Along Buddy and Popular Pixie.

Hero Power

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Free Spirit

2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone

2x (1) Malfurion’s Gift

2x (1) Peaceful Piper

1x (2) Audio Amplifier

2x (2) Embrace of Nature

2x (2) Groovy Cat

2x (2) Popular Pixie

2x (2) Sing-Along Buddy

2x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling

2x (3) Pendant of Earth

1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame

2x (4) Spread the Word

1x (5) Justicar Trueheart

1x (7) Zok Fogsnout

1x (8) Freya, Keeper of Nature

1x (8) Joymancer Jepetto

1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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In my experience, Whelp Wrangler is excellent vs DH because the 1-cost Happy Whelps have taunt, count for Thirsty Drifter and Pip, and help quickly activate Zarimi.

Throw down a few Ship’s Chirurgeon and the whelps get to 1/4 which puts them out of the range of a Shopper’d Magtheridon. You then get to save the Giftwrapped Whelps and 0-cost Drifters for your Zamiri turn.

You usually only need to survive 2 waves of the Shopper + mini, so throwing up roadblocks and then taking out their board with the free turn runs them out of gas - of course if you have the opportunity with lethal face damage then you do that :slight_smile:


It’s definitely a counter, alright

If for nothing else because you out-aggro a DH

You don’t have to use Zarimi strictly as a finisher, you know. You can also just take the extra turn to deal with his board and gain tempo advantage which he can’t be able to regain or to ignore his mag or two on the board until you buff your board out of magtheridon’s clearing range.

And from what I’ve seen, it’s a good deck in overall in this meta, because it easily deals with DK-s and Mages as well

I could just see it struggle vs a Wheel Warlock, but that deck’s getting worse and worse in this meta because it struggles against both a DH, Mage and some of the more weird decks like Sludgelock