Crystal core nerf: load of bull

stop derailing the thread Difford. If you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, then add nothing at all.

as i said above, it is my opinion that when a card is changed in a way that significantly reduces its power level full dust refunds should be offered.

what are your thoughts on that?

More harassment. Delightful. Nice community spirit here guys!

I’ve given it already and you continued to pick on me. Next time, you’ll be careful on what you say. I hope you’ve learned something but that’s already in doubt.

My thoughts are irrelevant remember? They’re also silly and obtuse.

you have not given your perspective on the question, and if you did i missed it, so pleas clarify your thought on the question of whether full dust refunds should be offered when a card is changed in a fashion which significantly reduces its power level.

in regards to wild balance, yes, as you have no vested interest in the format.

in regards to the topic at hand, no!

dont even go there. haunter and myself have done far more for community spirit than you have, all you have done, in this thread alone, is flame bait. nice community spirit youre showin buddy!

For someone so vocal about the importance of opinions, you seem to get really defensive about my opinions of you.

Calling a troll out for trolling isn’t harassment, it’s just a basic response you should be used to by now. If you don’t like that, then stop trolling :wink:

I’m not allowed to. The forum police said it’s irrelevant.

… except the topic is about a Wild card. You’re still struggling with that aren’t you? Lol.

‘Press ‘x’ for doubt’:

You’ve been so vitriolic to me this couldn’t be further from the truth.

I could give you my personal opinions about you and Swampy but I haven’t. That puts me one up lol.

Nah, that’s just the generic snipe at someone who you have no refute for.

Ah yes, you can look down upon us mere plebs from your moral high ground. Enjoy your “one up” :wink:

Nah, generic snipes at someone you have no refutes for is closer to calling all criticism harassment and continually trolling after being asked to give your opinion because you cried about being criticised for giving a misinformed opinion. We are trying to give you what you want, yet you continue to bait and troll, and then complain about being harassed when told to stop trolling.

Just get out, no one has time for your childish antics :laughing:

[quote=“Difford-1989, post:175, topic:11033”]
except the topic is about a Wild card. You’re still struggling with that aren’t you? Lol.

you are struggling, not me mate. this is NOT about the card, but the principle of nerfing a card and passing it off as a consistency change. is that so hard for you to comprehend?

pot meet kettle. yes i have been vitriolic, but dont act like you havent been exactly the same, if not worse, towards me. indeed i was the one tryng to get the discussion back on track while you continued your vitriolic comments towards me.

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Your view not mine You painted the picture lol.

Zzzzzz. You all know why I haven’t and it’s all because of you guys.

Really? So I guess my opinion is relevant then?

No one has time but yet here you are lol. Why are you laughing at yourself?

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Well, it all started with Haunter trying to censor this thread.


so, yet again, nothing constructive to add to the discussion?

stop derailing the thread difford! either post something constructive, or stop posting!!!

So, yet again, nothing constructive to add to the discussion?

Stop derailing the thread Swampy! Either post something constructive, or stop posting!!!

Et tu Brute?

You are the one bringing up one ups and moral high grounds though.

Of course I know why, but whenever I tell you it’s because you are trolling you start crying about harassment.

When it’s actually on topic to the discussion, sure lol

It’s an expression :grinning:

I have, I have posted my opinion, and requested yours MANY times, yet you keep making it personal.

so either be constructive, and get the thread back on the rails, of bite the gutter

As long as you ignore the off topic and flame baiting message I was replying to, then sure, of course it looks like I started it.

Anything can be pulled out of context to fit your narrative, but that doesn’t make it correct :wink:

Really that’s how this whole interaction should have worked in the beginning. So yes a refund should be for there obvious failure of making a game.

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It is.

Give me a break. Go back to the first time I posted. Who replied to who? It’s all there for everyone to see.

Yeah, just remember this lol. The irony is lovely haha.

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yes, it is, as is every post afterwards. posts in which you have continually attempted to derail the thread despite MY efforts to get it back on the tracks.

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Your effort of saying it’s irrelevant and then asking me a question? yeah, some really ‘good’ effort there.

It either is or it isn’t. Pity you had to type that sentence, it’s dug you a real big hole hasn’t it?

“Wild is a format that shouldn’t be balanced” is not on the topic of “te recent crystal core nerf should be classed as such and given a refund.”

Hence you are trolling.

You replied to a comment about leaving out context with an empty statement with no context. Now that, that is irony,

my efforts have been shown many a time. you keep going off topic though, so again i will ask, what are your thoughts on cards being significantly nerfed for “consistency” being offered dust refunds?

i didnt dig a hole, you are diggin yourself one the longer this goes on though