Crystal core nerf: load of bull

i see you typing. keep it constructive and on topic difford!

Uh…that’s balancing a Wild card dude. It seems like I know more than you. It got changed and some people want a dust refund.

You’re trying to sound smart but you’re failing.

So again I say that my opinion is irrelevant until someone on the forum police says I have every right to leave an opinion. Sorry I didn’t see a disclaimer by the OP or by Blizzard that I needed to play Wild first.

dude seriously, keep it on topic. if you cant then gtfo. your little vendetta wont achieve anything, so unless you can post something relevant to the topic dont post again.

For the 300th time, what are your thoughts on “consistency” changes that significantly nerf a card being offered a full dust refund???

It was until you deemed my opinion irrelevant.

Have fun making me. Empty threat is empty.

Again, try stopping me hero.

For the 301st time, you said my opinion is irrelevant.

what are your thoughts on “consistency” changes that significantly reduce the power level of a card being offered dust refunds?

We aren’t talking about balancing a wild card, we are talking about classifying massive consistency changes as nerfs and awarding dust refunds. You started baiting about all of wild shouldn’t be balanced, that is in no way on topic to the conversation. Stop trolling.

Then by all means, prove me wrong and provide context as to how I’m taking things out of context. That is, unless, you are still trolling :wink:

Is my opinion going to be irrelevant or not?

… regarding what card?

what are your thoughts on “consistency” changes that significantly reduce the power level of a card being offered dust refunds?

Is my opinion going to be irrelevant or not?

Something tells me the one in the thread title :smile:

You also forgot this bit, or are you just gonna keep trolling instead?

if a card is changed for consistency and its power level is reduced in the process should dust refunds be offered? yes your opinion is relevant.

Oh so the Wild card then?

I’ll move onto that until I get confirmation that Crystal Core is a card in Wild (from Quest).

Bloody finally. Not hard was it? I was thinking that if someone crafted the card recently/close to the nerf say…hmmm…(give them a month to be generous), I’d say refund the cost.

Anything later than that I would say no dice. If you had the card for a long time, it’s a bit hard to justify the dust refund.

nope, doesnt work that way. all in or nothing. why shouldnt i get offered a refund as well if i crafted the card 2 years ago and they make consistency changes rendering said card useless? (note i dusted mine on the last nerf. still gonna fight it regardless)

This is the type of comment blizz want to hear. complacency is gonna make it worse, just look at the HoF an the “replacement” cards they gave. they WANT people to accept their decision without argument, some of us will put up a fight when we see what i/we consider to be injustice, and the crystal core change certainly fits that bill!

I would say you got your dusts worth from it. Then Blizzard would argue: “What makes it worthless? It still works.”

I mean, I doubt they would listen to just me but personally, it makes sense. What I mean is that it doesn’t surprise me why they wouldn’t.

OK, serious questions:

Do you, as a Blizzard customer, not find it the least bit insulting that:

  1. they implemented this change without communicating their intention to do so prior to the patch; and

  2. almost a week after the fact have not made a public statement regarding the issue.

i mean, seriously, that to me is extremely insulting, yet blizz is ignoring it. good PR would have had something out within hours, even just an “announcement of an announcement” yet here we are (almost) 6 days later without anything.

yes i am pissed off as are others, and we have every right to be and the silence only makes it worse!

like i said earlier, i dont even have the card anymore, so this is a pissed off unaffected person, i can just imagine how those actually affected feel about this devious act.

  1. Yes
  2. No

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Well…not really. The card was completely unplayed after the first nerf (Un’Goro, KFT), until Sonya (K&C). Then, it was still terrible (at least on ladder), because the K&C metagame was pretty fast. (I’m not even sure how it held up to Raza Priest, which was the reigning control deck at the time. So just not much reason to play Quest Rogue.)

After the Raza nerf, Quest Rogue was still terrible on ladder, but it might have been played in tournaments due to its extreme polarity. It was only after the Witchwood rotation that it truly became an issue: Sonya made the deck much scarier, and the format was extremely slow. At that point QR got nerfed again. But it all started with Sonya in K&C.

The point is, the card got a second nerf due to an interaction with Sonya that made the deck much more reliable, and gave it a huge swing turn earlier than otherwise possible. Now they have made that interaction (in part) not work anymore. I’m very much on board with improving in-game consistency (it’s the closest we’re likely to come to any sort of comprehensive rulebook). But when this happens I would expect compensation for a card that gets negatively impacted in the process.

man i gave up on analogys here a long time ago about government. it seems there are a few trump supporters or people who think voting doesnt matter,

i personally think if you dont make 50k a year playing hearthstone, you dont have a valid opinion.

there are so many internet tough guys ready to “call you out” but if ask one to meet up for sparing you will get reported for real life threats its so funny.

being saying that sense day 1.

why is it trolling everytime someone disagrees with you guys?

this is like 50% of the post on here

there is like 20 of you that all gang up on people when yall disagree.

man this was so good to read thanks for having this discussion while i was alseep

i am pretty sure you picking a fight derailed the topic and you could stop being passive agressive at any time.

welcome to the 1950 red scare lol

LOL man why are you even on the forums the world needs your gift of debate the way you insult people and make zero point, born polition.

you are literally insulting difford over and over and threatening him.

no wild and standard are not that different they are not two separate countries. they are both still hearthstone. and even if they were entirely different people could still talk about both with out playing both.


this should be the name of the forums people that hang out on discord, not saying you are part pf them. its just a good name for the people who gang up on new posters.

man you give these people way to much credit, they are not self aware.

the hypocrisy of you guys is beyond the average person

haunter defended a person who said they “touched my child”. and this thread you guys continuously make veiled threats, assuming you are reporting at the same time

dont project so much, the “moral” highground is your MO thats why you call everyone a troll, you assume everyone is a bad faith actor.

except he hasn’t insulted you or threatened to report you like come on man the anger is cleary coming from you and haunter.

his very first post was his opinion, and sense then you have basicly tried to pressure him into changing it or stop talking.

either does adding emojis.

this is the only thread about this topic. there are way more threads about the change, i dont think as many care about dust refunds as you think. i think more people would prefer to see a change in the casual format then anything.

i find it ironic that people complain that blizzard doesnt support wild, then complains when blizzard does.

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Could you quote said threats? I would very much like to see where I have threatened anyone.

I don’t assume anyone is a bad faith actor, nor do I call everyone a troll. But, If I have people flame baiting and trolling on my thread, of course I’m going to call them a troll. It’s just common sense.

Are you sure about that? :wink:

If you think nerfing barely played meme decks without giving dust refunds is anything close to blizzard supporting wild, then you might just need to leave this thread.

Well duh, of course I’m gonna get angry when a troll comes onto my thread and starts making absurd statements about a format I care very deeply for, and then continues to try and drag it off topic.

I see, bringing up passed events with no context in an attempt to flame bait and pull the conversation off topic. Looks like trolling.

Nice b8 m8

More off topic slander. I’m the only forum poster who’s posted on this thread in the last day or so.

It’s not. It’s trolling when certain individuals keep trying to pull my thread to off topic conversations such as they’re itty bitty opinion, or the balance of wild as a whole, when we are simply trying to discuss dust refunds for the caverns below nerf.



Discussing disciplinary action.

MASS callouts (harassment).

Reporting thread derailment is not a threat, nor harassment. It’s reporting code of conduct violations.

More harassment?!? You sure are the model community member we should all strive towards being.

More callouts/harassment.

I am assuming you haven’t thoroughly read the code of conduct, I would suggest you do so given how many violations you made against it in a single post.