Crystal core nerf: load of bull

Says the person who continues to post nothing but BS.

I’d love to see you enforce this.

I’m only answering the question if my opinion is relevant. Otherwise what’s the point? Explain it to me. Explain why you’re allowed to say I’m irrelevant, then 180 and turn around and expect me to participate in the topic? I’m either relevant or not. Which one is it?

It’s illogical and contradictory. Also whatever answer I give won’t matter because you’re being disingenuous. You’re just going to throw back whatever I say.

I’m two steps ahead of you. It’s shame you didn’t have the smarts to leave it alone when you had the chance. As you can tell, I’ve caught you in the ‘irrelevant’ loop and I’m making you earn that remark. Hopefully you learn next time and let people have their say without being a douche.

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Again the question is:

should dust refunds be offered for consistency changes which significantly reduce the power level of a card?

the only illogical thing is your blatant refusal to answer that question.

This is about the dust of a card in Wild. Sorry, but no point in answering. It’s irrelevant.

if you refuse to answer or post something constructive to the discussion then dont post in this thread

read the code of conduct what you are doing is in violation of it

Stop harassing me and let me have an opinion because it’s relevant. Read the Code of Conduct yourself.

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i am not harassing you, i am asking you a simple question. you keep going off topic, not me

I’m only answering if it’s relevant. Besides, you ARE harassing me by demanding an answer over an over. I told you I don’t want to.

Why won’t you listen?

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it is relevant to the discussion:

So is it irrelevant or not?

why wont you answer is the better question?

unlike you i have been trying to get the thread back on track, yet you refuse to cooperate and instead keep trying to further derail the discussion

You know why I won’t.

yes i know why, because you are trolling

stop derailing the thread!

Full dust compensation should be awarded when a card is changed in a way that significantly reduces its power level, as seen with Crystal Core

Wrong. It seems you haven’t read anything since the start. I’m not answering because YOU told me my opinions are irrelevant. I’ve even quoted your exact words numerous times to prove it was you.

Everyone here can see what you said. Smart people here will see my original comment, will then see Haunter then you picking on me. Haunter is a lot smarter than you. He’s stayed out of it. It’s been you that’s harassed me all the way through and everyone can see it.

People will see YOU derailed the thread by not leaving me alone, even when I asked you to!

So no, I’m not trolling nor did I derail the thread. YOU did.

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That analogy is actually incorrect.

A closer example would be someone from a foreign country with little to no knowledge of outside countries making large political decisions for a country they clearly don’t understand, making silly statements like “This country should have no laws!” And “this country should never be looked after by its government.”

It’s not simply having an opinion on something. It’s having a silly opinion on something you’ve got no experience with.

That’s what it looks like when a random standard player starts saying wild shouldn’t have balance changes.

you really dont want to call my intelligence into question when you cant even answer a singular question to keep the thread on topic mate.

fun fact: haunter didnt walk away from you, he was preoccupied with irl things - fact.

me asking you to answer a question to keep the thread on topic is not harassment, its trying to keep the discussion on topic - also fact.

Then explain why I have to answer Swampy’s question?

It’s displayed for all to see already. I don’t have to lol.

How would you know this?

Nah, my opinion is irrelevant and now, according to Haunter, also silly. You definitely don’t need or care for my answer anyway. I love to see the kind forum users on. They make you feel wanted and part of the Hearthstone community.

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Because you are being intentionally obtuse to the point where other people are jumping in to point out how silly you sound?

to keep the thread on topic?

explain why your last 10 posts have had nothing to do with the topic, other than you trying to get me to bite.

Oh so i’m obtuse, irrelevant and silly? Hmmm, sounds like verbal harassment.

You didn’t need any encouragement.

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More like a reality you should try harder to accept.

Get out of my thread and stop trolling.