Crystal core nerf: load of bull

I’m not going to answer until I get confirmation from the forum police. Is my opinion relevant or not?

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your opinion is irrelevant in regards to wild balance, but not in regards to nerfs being p[assed off as consistency changes as that affects both formats, so answer the question.

do you agree or disagree that dust refunds should be offered for the crystal core change?

Then I don’t have to answer. Have a good day.

So rude. You can’t demand an answer. Your attitude is disgusting.

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my attitude is warranted. answer the question its very simple:

should a dust refund be offered for the “consistency” change to crystal core

yes or no

if you cant answer the simplest question then it is YOU that is rude.

I’m not going to answer if you think it’s irrelevant. You’re acting all ‘high and mighty’ about it. Explain how that isn’t rude? Also explain why I’m FORCED to answer you? I’m pretty sure I’m not, and not to someone who gets off on an egotistical power trip.

you are forced because that is the topic of this thread

if you cant answer it then you are trolling and derailing the thread

so answer the question

Then come to my house and make me type my answer.

You’ve done this yourself.

Oh hell no. Not to venomous forum users like you. It’s irrelevant remember? (Your words).

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sorry, i dont do the sewer thing.

and i am now asking you to answer a very simple question to get the thread back on topic.

Is my opinion going to be relevant?

you have to give an answer before it can be considered relevant. care to do so?

Is this a question about a card in Wild?

no, my question has been made quite clear troll:

care to answer it?

But Crystal Core is from a Rogue Quest card exclusive to Wild isn’t it?

I can’t answer the question, it is irrelevant (according to you).

wild balance is not the same as consistency changes

ok as you want to dance, lets dance

should “consistency” changes that result in a direct significant power decrease of a card have a full dust refund offered?

Perhaps next time you’ll be careful what you type and let everyone have an opinion instead of policing them.

I’m waiting for you to apologize and say my opinion isn’t irrelevant.

no u

you will be waiting a long time. answer the question to get the thread back on topic or stop derailing it.

That’s mature of you.

reported for trolling. if you have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, like answering a simple ON TOPIC question, then all you are doing is trolling

I’m not answering anything, especially when the person asking said my opinion is irrelevant.

the question is should dust refunds be awarded for “consistency” changes that significantly reduce the power level of a card?

no more bs, either answer the question, post something on topic, or dont post again in this thread.