Crystal core nerf: load of bull

You are welcome to your opinion on politics and every other topic in the world but why should it be considered if you have minimal experience in the field?

Besides, you and Haunter have already considered it by picking up on it and replying. Thanks for considering it.

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I don’t have experience in those fields, but those with experience in them are more qualified.

You admit you don’t play the format, do maybe treat the opinions of this who do with a bit more respect.

I bet you have opinions though lol.

Who says I doesn’t? You just pulled that one from nothing. I am respecting the person who created this topic by giving my own opinion in a constructive manner. By dismissing me, you’re automatically dismissing the other people with similar views. Did you ask if they play Wild as well or…?

Dude you implied as someone who doesn’t even play the format that your opinion counts. It doesn’t. It’s like a Norwegian having an opinion on Trump as president, irrelevant

It does whether you agree or not. You also can’t stop me, so you may as well just move on with your day.

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I cant stop you, no. but i can call you out for not knowing what you are talking about which you have shown to be factual

If it makes you feel better. No skin off my nose. :man_shrugging:

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Or maaaaybe it was because 5/5 was ridiciolous?! :smiley:
I refused to play that deck from the beginning and man, I can tell you: It’s no fun to play against it. Even 4/4 feels like too much. There is just too much stuff that generates small stuff which then becomes 4/4 or 5/5 - and rogues (if they want to) are by default good at stalling.

This card deserves every nerf that it got and should actually be erased.

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how about instead of derailing the thread you let those with issues discuss them, ok?

you are flame baiting which is trolling, so stop it and allow those with issues to discuss them, especially when you admit you have no clue what you are talking about.

ABSOLUTELY! I dont think anyone is against that. The issue is it has been nerfed without the compensation being offered

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Next time skip over it. I had an opinion, get over it. By intentionally fighting me about it, you made it derail.

Blame yourself for that.

Anyone who reads my initial comment can see it’s no where near trolling. You’re just upset you can’t refute the points I bring up. That’s just sour grapes from you.

Why are you even on a place like the forums? It has tons of people with differing opinions. If my simple comment triggered you, you should consider spending your time elsewhere.

the opinion of someone with no vested interest is irrelevant.

You’re just one person out of a sea of millions. I don’t particularly care what you think. I shall continue to post on the forums in a variety of topical debates like I have always done.

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i am one but we are many. you are the minority here not me bud

you are welcome to continue posting as you see fit, just dont expect me not to call you out on topics like this when you openly admit you have no clue about the topic

Yeah cool, whatever man.

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cool indeed. at least i know the format and what i am talking about regarding it, maybe you should too before commenting on subjects you are not qualified to comment on

Leave me alone and stop harassing me please and get back to the topic.

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yes, the topic is dust refunds for the nerf to crystal core. they need to be offered as this is not an insignificant change. do you agree?

But my opinion is irrelevant. Remember?

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do you agree or not? you wanted to get it back on topic so answer the question