Crystal core nerf: load of bull

Any blues want to give some insight, or are you guys just going to keep up the complete radio silence?

I think the bare minimum we deserve is at the very least an explanation as to why you haven’t issued a dust refund yet and to why you’ve kept quiet so long


They can call this change “consistency” or whatever they want, but the fact is that it only affected Crystal Core negatively and so a dust refund should be offered, or be reverted.
The only way they will respond is by people pressuring them to do something. Same thing happened with Druid Quest, Rexxar DK and Tess but only the last 2 were addressed because of the community uproar.

Guys, I know sometimes the complexity of the decision making from the developers can go over your heads so let me summarize this in a way that will make sense:

Resurrect priest is a big overlooked problem in wild ranked as well as casual, for this reason the only logical steps to fix this problem is to nerf Crystal Core further in order to…


I wouldn’t excuse that either. If you want to make changes for the good of the game then I’m all for it too. But why would you stiff players of their dust? They are no less deserving of dust than players whose cards got nerfed due to balance reasons.

The only times I support no refunds when a card changes is either when it doesn’t really matter (like shudderwock getting limited to 20 battlecries) or when the card is buffed, then asking for dust is just greedy.

I get upset just remembering those times and I never even opened that card. People were arguing how both the statline and card text remained the same saying that meant there should be no refunds, ignoring how a card making 1/1 tokens instead of 2/1 tokens is clearly a nerf.

Who plays frost lich jaina?

I didn’t say play, I said mention.

Simplest way to say it

Classic cards no refunds

Anything else
Blizzard get on this idea

It’s simple

Vicious Syndicate shows the Cyclone Mage/Token Druid matchup as 50/50 and Cyclone Mage/Bomb Hunter as 47/53.

So you complain about a broken card that has been nerfed several times as a terrible idea?


Cause you enjoy running boars to face consistantly? Running deckhands to face? How about using Sonya for more garbage?

An abused mechanic that well deserves its nerfs.
You don’t deserve any compensation clearly. Your chance for compensation was provided several times in the past.

Guess you missed that train.
Big priest is next.

All they need to do is set up and communicate their balance guideline better. Making it depending on nerfs, buffs and mechanic changes is too arbitrary

personally i think blizzard should just ignore wild. it would be better if one class just dominates the meta

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but quest rogue is garbage in wild? Even more now.

I take it you’ve never actually played the deck if that’s all you think happens :grin:

Sorry mate, that isn’t how nerfs work :wink:

That’s actually incorrect, atleast for me. I actually crafted the quest after the second nerf because I enjoyed the play style.

Please keep your massively misinformed and incorrect statements out of my thread.

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I hate this nerf and I am livid about there being no refund. Because the card is being nerfed. Period.

Why would they not give a refund ??? The only reason is because they are cheap and greedy at the same time.

They are cheedy.

What really bothers me is that Blizzard spends precious resources working on stuff like this instead of other things. In principle I hate this change because it not only puts the final nail in the coffin for crystal core, but also, it feels rude. By now we all know the interaction and have lived through it just fine.

I’d much rather Blizzard fix the burgle cards so that they all work the same. Talk about hypocrisy. So it’s okay to have a plurality of different burgle effects that have game impairing consequences. But, it’s not okay to have Sonya interacting with crystal core? Because that would be too “confusing.” Give me a break.

It is shenanigans like this that push me closer to a F2P mentality because I feel like paying them for this game rewards their dishonesty.

Agreed. Wild by name, wild by nature. Everything should be left untouched. It seems the type of format where ‘anything goes’.

While I appreciate the sentiment, don’t advise decisions for a format you vocally don’t play.

Yes, but I’m still capable of reading people’s responses :wink:

Reading responses and constructing poor public statements are different :wink:

I assume you have some opinion and views about your countries government? I bet you’re not a politician though. So using you logic, you’re not allowed to comment on it.

I bet you have an opinion on food, movies, video games, animals but I bet you’re not a food critic, movie director, game developer or scientist. You can’t have opinions on those either. Sorry.

It’s preposterous. Of course you can… and so can I.

Wild is a part of Hearthstone. I play Hearthstone. I can read people’s comments for and against changes regarding Wild.

Sorry you hate it, but I can have an opinion and because I don’t use that mode primarily, that’s a pretty bad excuse from you. You’ve also discounted the possibility of me watching Wild matches from streamers. I said I don’t play Wild, but I didn’t say I’ve never seen a match.

Never assume :wink:

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You are welcome to your opinion but why should it be considered if you have minimal experience in the format?