Crystal core nerf: load of bull

Just keep it civil, otherwise it all for nought.


I’m always civil :grin:

This is just a continuation of “let’s nerf a card and not issue refunds” that was started back with the Paladin legendary from kobolds set, Shudderwock and Tess (edit: tnx bowser, forgot about this one too). They nerfed them and directly and indirectly and because they used the word ‘fix’ vs a nerf they believed themselves above issuing a refund.

Keep buying their preorders boy and girls bc sooner than later nerfs will not provide refunds.

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I get the “it’s a mechanic change” argument for not refunding cards, but since this pretty much only impacts a single card in the game (there are no effects that specify making a 1/1 lackey), and it seriously weakens one of crystal core’s key cards, there really should be a refund on this one.

The other mechanics changes up until this point were more tweaks than heavy nerfs.


Pretty much, and like in that nerf, we have to express our disgust… Remember Tess was also nerfed, and then had it reverted due to feedback from the community.

Lynessa’s nerf was minor in comparison to this one, which is why I say, dont get complacent with these “consistency” nerfs.


To be fair, it also messes with bilefin, giggling inventor, shadow caster as well as a heap of cards from the new set.

It’s not just Sonya.


The “single card” i was referencing was crystal core/caverns below, not so much all the things that now don’t work with it. (I get that it was a bit vague as worded)

There are no effects that make alternate or fixed stat lackeys, which makes the mechanic change timing make even less sense, since the new card that caused it has very few times it would even come into play.

Were they worried about betrug plot twist lackeys being 4/4s?

TO be fair Tess was retracted and Shudderwock didn’t actually impact the card at all it prevented trolling (20 battlecries is still a ton).

Crystal Core is impactful just like Tess (reverted) and Lynessa (should have been). I think it’s kind of BS to not issue a refund and I stand to gain nothing… I never even opened the Quest.


This really seems like an unnecessary change and nerf to a card that, as far as I know, is not considered as a ‘problem’ in Wild by players. There’s bigger problems there to worry about.

Even though I don’t play Wild myself I find this change rather disheartening because, even though I understand why some people hate the Caverns Below/Crystal Core, I thought that out of all the Un’Goro quests the Rogue one was the most interesting and even fun to complete. The way how you had to bounce minions back to your hand was very Rogue-like to me. I played the deck quite a bit before the rotation and loved to use Sonya in the deck and play 1-mana 4/4s.

They can call this as a ‘fix’ all they want and say they want to keep the game consistent, which I can understand. But the fact of a matter is that this is a big nerf that will greatly affect the way the deck performs and is built. Dust refunds should be given in this case absolutely!


Yes I read through all of that and I fail to see where Big Priest got nerf in all that. The only thing remotely close to affecting Big Priest is that Onyx Bishop summons to its right instead of far right and that’s nothing even if Big Priest ran that card.

With all due respect, this thread is not about addressing Big Priest (most of the wild community share your view in that regard, but thats a different topic). Its more about communication regarding a significant nerf without any offer of compensation due to “consistency” changes.


Where does it say Big Priest is nerfed? NOTHING IN THE PATCH NOTES AFFECTS BIG PREST. The Barnes thing is pertaining to Rogue Quest in that Barnes doesn’t make a 4/4 when the quest is active. Says nothing about getting a 1/1 resurrect and even then Big Priest can remove Barnes from the deck as Vargoth does much more busted things. Barnes out just makes it so they can’t high roll agro with a statue pull.

Unless you mean fixing Psychic Scream Disconnect was a nerf as Big Priest can’t force a win through Disconnecting the opponent.

So, anyone is actually using this card lately?.. Or enjoy using it? i understand if they give refunds for nerfing cards that are being used, but right now its seems more like scratching for dust, if people loved crystal core so much, then make threads to revert this changes as how all did with tess / Lynessa, otherwise it will be seen as a greedy move and not something legit

You might need to practice your reading comprehension.

Read that quote a few times. Slowly.

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This is pretty shady on the part of Actiblizzard. Looks to me like they’re just trying to gradually remove the dust refund system entirely.


You can’t have Crystal Core work the way it does with Uldum Reborn minions.


I don’t think any reborn minions would be particularly problematic with the rogue quest, but even then, If blizzard wants to nerf the quest for that, then fine, just give us the god damn dust refund.

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It actually was my complete daily quests decks.

The amount of daily quests you can complete easy using this deck is insane.

Battlecries quest
Play beasts
Play pirates
Small minions
Play elementals
Play spells (it’s spell heavy)

That to not say obvious ones like:
Rogue cards
Wins with rogue
Wins with any class
Play X turns(QR games aren’t fast).
Most of those due to the bounce effects.

And even if people not used they should offer dust refunds.

It is a complete unnecessary change and thekan could easily be made like crystal core if they wanted to maintain consistence.

On the other hand and slightly off-topic: I would take more frequent (balance) updates over dust refunds if that is what is holding them back.

I don’t think dust refunds is what’s holding them back, considering it doesn’t really cost them anything.