Crystal core nerf: load of bull

they don’t want to give 1600 dust for a rotated card you can spend on standard it’s just how it goes.

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But they have for literally every other wild nerf.


Thats not true, Avianna & Naga Sea Witch were nerfed and awarded refunds. It is unacceptable to nerf a card this hard in either format and not award compensation for them.


WHAT!? So they nerfed a completely for fun deck because of nothing and kept pig priest untouched? lol.

When I say this game is unbalanced on purpose, people doubt it.


“We’ve noticed a bug where Zilliax was getting rush. This was never intended and we just noticed this now so we removed the keyword to better match what the card is supposed to do.”


LtWagz blinded to identify a nerf just because of format different not by how card worked before.


:clap: :clap:

Fully agree. It’s like they never learn. Every single time they pull this people hate it. In this case one has to wonder why did they even bother?

Why change Caverns Below now? It’s the proverbial beating of the dead horse, and in this case without even acknowledging that it’s a beating.


Meanwhile, they continue to let big priest run wild.

Blizzard’s game management is just a disgrace at this point.


Just FYI Big Priest is still popular in wild but it loses to a LOT of decks. Everyone I get a priest quest and try to play it I roll big (sometimes) or lose hard (mostly)


That’s because the entire meta is warped around beating big priest.

the fact a deck can have an entire format targeting them and still pull off a positive winrate is evidence of how absurdly broken it is.


I don’t even have the card anymore and I find this ridiculous. It also shows they know how to code for specific problem decks after it’s not a problem…


100% this from me. Literally my exact position and thought when reading the nerf.


Tess, and a few other cards have been nerfed in this “Sideways” way. It’s a nerf. And as they say every time it’s an “actual nerf”: “These cards have changed.” And so we not only deserve dust for it, but they are breaking their own presidents for it.


Thats plain a toxic way of thinking.
You as a part of the same community must dispice this behavior from them.

One day YOUR favorite archtype its gonna get hit this way, without even a sad and lame compensation in dust, and you will be the one upset.
You are gonna come to the forums and star a tread to discharge your self, just to find out that everyone sh*t in your opinion, thinking that because they don’t like your deck, injustice its deserved.

Personally I find the nerf unnecessary at this point and pretty unfun, it was a dead deck already, and a dust refund is the minimum to ask for.

But the point its not get steped on as a player, no if people liked the deck or not.


The second nerf the card got was absolutely because of Sonya; that was, practically by itself (okay the lifesteal minion helped a bit), the reason the deck got so good again.

(Okay, AND they pushed a much slower format in Witchwood. But beyond that, it was just Sonya!)

And now they are killing the interaction with Sonya. This cannot be seen as anything other than a hard nerf.

They could at least revert the reward back to 5/5 while doing the Sonya fix.


How Exactly did Big Priest get nerfed? I see nothing that nerfs Big Priest. The Barnes Interaction they mention was specific to Crystal Core in that it summons a 1/1 instead of a 4/4 thing. So what is the Big Priest nerf its not in the patch notes?

I dont have the card. So i dont really care about it.

Tho the fact that they nerf it without compensation is concerning.

This could be a bad precedent to the future. Which can be done to other card i might yet have.


Wow…ive never seen nerfs enter meme status before.

This is going to become the running joke for this game now.

“Man, im so sick of cyclone mage! Its insane, something should be done!”

“Yeah, Blizzard should nerf Crystal Core again!”


Who said big priest got nerfed?

Why thank you, dear bowser :wink:.