Crusader Aura seems busted

What’s my counter play to this?

  1. If you somehow silence the whole board, they just get rebuffed on the next turn’s attack, and then the turn after that.
  2. You can’t trade into a paladin boards worth a darn because they just squirt out 1/1’s faster than you can actually summon creatures, and then the aura lets them trade very effectively.
  3. You can’t get rid of the aura.
  4. The buff is permanent, unlike cards like Blood Lust.

I’ve seen some busted stuff in this expansion, but this card has to be my least favorite to play against because of how hard it is to deal with.
I don’t think I’ve ever beaten a paladin player after they cast this on curve. If they play it late game and I have like 8-10 mana crystals I can get lucky if I’m playing the right class/deck.


This is my favorite card.

It’s a good card, therefore something must be wrong with it.

Busted, OP, broken? I still just use “really good”.

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Be really appreciative if you would tell me what opponents do when you play this card that actually prevent you from crushing them into the dirt.

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When playing against Paladin, you can’t let minions stay on the board, even for one turn.

Otherwise, be proactive rather than reactive. There’s no time for Turn 10 win conditions against anyone. Control is a losing proposition; it simply doesn’t work.

That’s unrealistic. Wipe a board every turn? Come on.

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Are you trying to play one of those decks that don’t have minions?

If you have minions, then play your minions, trade minions & don’t let mine stay.

Did you read my original post?
You can’t put out minions faster than the paladin, and the aura allows them to trade very favorably to clear you board.


The only example I could find was a loss against a Hunter that was me misplaying the endgame.

He played a lot of minions, but I should have won.

I don’t actually lose very often. I’m 8-2 with this deck from HSReplay.

Don’t start to complain about everything… all the Blood DK and Control Priest have too many board clears and insane amount of healing… with this card I can finally beat them even if they manage to dodge horsemen. This card is great but not so easy to use against certain enemies.

its to strong, and paladin have an army of divine shield minions on board fast.
and talking bout a card is not complaining about everything.


the only reason i hate that card is that it makes mechs even more retarded to get rid of.

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Its a card that really needs a nerf. With the current expansion it quite literally can get Lethal on Turn 5 With ease if you dont hard control them each turn. And with Divine Shield you also have to double the effort or straight up have hard removal which isn’t common on Turn 5 itself. At best its Board Dmg which the shields just eat.


There is not a single deck in current meta that out-tempo’s paladin, maybe a perfect hand automaton priest. To say you just need to ,play proactive’’ you’re either dumb as hell or not above silver. Paladin as of now has 58% winrate, all of his decks work around his crushing early game with snowball from aura. Next time just don’t speak if you have no clue what’s going on.


I make diamond every month.

Your comment has been flagged, & you are being added to my ignore list.

I don’t even use this card any more, & 58% is nowhere near 100%.

This thread is three months old.

That’s a ridiculous “ask”. Minions will always and eventually make it to the board. Resources are not infinite. Neither is luck.

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The latest Paladin builds don’t have many minions, so NO it’s not a ridiculous ask.
Nor is the deck as easy to play as everyone seems to think.

If you, & the others, are so convinced then why aren’t you playing Paladin?
ALL demands to nerf Paladin are an advertisement to play Paladin.

“Broken” means really good, & I will only play decks that are really good because I play to win.

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Asking for an enemy to never have anything stick on the board ever, is a ridiculous ask. I’m sorry. And some of those “no minions” in paladin summon 9/9 stats with rush.

I think I’m not really the guy you want to respond to though. I have no issue with any of the classes, personally. I just like things to be represented accurately.

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Don’t bother arguing, this guy is mental patient 100%. Also I’m calling cap on that diamond every season bit.


To op’s question, yes: it’s a broken card. it either needs to be countered by something by counterspell, or you need early board control by picking the minions off early. Playing super agro also works, but requires a fast combo of card draw working in your favor (think a lean armor warrior).

And just report the poster who is making the trolling, harassing, and threatening posts.

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Paladin decks absolutely have a counter. As mentioned you need a more control style type of deck. Warrior, Mage and even Rogues have a ton of junk clearing cards that effectively can make a lot of the popular Paladin decks useless.

(Most card games have a person winning or gaining an edge by turn 5 by the way. It’s pretty common.)

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