Crusader Aura seems busted

Uhh Diamond every season is like the baseline imo… once you get to D5 you get a star bonus next season all the way up to Diamond. The only way to not get Diamond is to not play the game…

Just coming back to this thread because now that Paladins have ‘Showdown!’, this crap is more busted than ever.

I seriously don’t get how this card hasn’t been nerfed.
They’ve nerfed stuff in the past that was SUPER unfun to play against, even if it didn’t have like an 80% win ratio or something.

This card sucks to play against. It might not be so bad if Paladin didn’t have so many ways to load their board EVERY ROUND.


What’s even stranger is it has no relevance at all to what crusader aura actually is (that being, a mounted movement speed buff). It should really be something like for the next 3 turns minions you summon have rush. I know HS is different than WoW but they’re generally pretty good about representing things as they actually are and should be, so this is a weird outlier. It’s like they didn’t know what to do with it so they just said hey lets give paladins savage roar for 3 turns with 1 card and call it a day. Idk if this was intentional on their part or simply an oversight.


boogie down user detected opinion rejected

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Multiple buffs are stupid, to balance a game you have to delete stupid, that’s good Crusader Aura is a multiple buff so this spell > delete.

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What an ignorant opinion.
I don’t even play Crusader Aura anymore.

If you’re blaming your loses on this card, then you’re not a very good player.

That’s insulting to another poster. I thought you were against that.

It’s not insulting.

Everyone knows you hate me, & will twist whatever I say.

Interesting how you get to decide what’s insulting and what’s not. That’s a nice way of claiming you can be against insults whenever someone posts something you disagree with…then continuing to troll, harass, and threaten people who disagrees with you.

Because someone rejected your opinion, you labeled theirs ignorant.

That’s an insult.

Then pulled an ad hominem and suggested they lacked skill if they lost to the card.

Have you ever lost to that card? Because you just put yourself in that category.


Setting aside the obvious untruth of your entire statement, I doubt you personally visited all the other billions odd people to repeat this lie. Also, I don’t hate you…and for part of a crowd who goes on about the “victim mindset dialed to 11” that’s a lot of victimhood you invented right there.

The last part is ironic, considering your post history on this thread.

What a load of nonsense.

I probably hold the record for the most comments restored by the Site Manager who’s clearly rumbled your game.

I usually don’t read your comments because you’re not capable of being objective & your holier than thou attitude isn’t charming.
Other people will feed the troll all day long.

Not me …

Looks like that whole “no insults” thing really was a lie.

Person who claims to not read posts certainly responds often enough.

All to distract from a thread for a card that he claims not to play any more…

Crusader Aura was probably a mistake to make. I like the idea of changing it to just ‘give rush for 3 turns’ someone said. Paladins have no bloodlust-like ability in WoW.

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This is a very old thread …

Don’t know what the pro company troll is on about, four months isn’t old, and the topic is still relevant. Some people apparently trying to shut discussions down because reasons, as usual.

Exactly. Spot on. Some short term buffs, but not this scaling “YOUR STATS INCREASE EVERY TIME YOU ATTACK” nonsense.

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