I’ve noticed that the game often match me against my direct counters. For example, if I use a slow deck, I tend to face opponents who can defeat me quickly, and if I use a fast deck, I usually play against opponents with strong removal abilities.
Therefore, just to see what would happen, I created a very different and unusual deck to try to trick (confuse) the system. As I expected, I went from D5 no star to D2 with a 9 to 1 win rate.
Off meta
Class: Shaman
Format: Standard
Year of the Wolf
2x (1) Cold Storage
2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
2x (1) Lightning Reflexes
2x (1) Muck Pools
2x (1) Schooling
2x (1) Tour Guide
2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep
2x (2) Ancestral Knowledge
2x (2) Anchored Totem
1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn
2x (2) Carving Chisel
2x (2) Jukebox Totem
2x (3) Shadow Suffusion
1x (4) The Stonewright
1x (5) Rotgill
1x (6) Golganneth, the Thunderer
2x (6) Thing from Below
Can you continue the experiment from D2 to legend with this deck? I guess you will meet the same conditions again.
Totem shaman is very meta
That’s my secret, Cap. I play bad decks so that EVERYTHING is my counter.
Loads up another game with Plague DK.
Lowkey, I find plague DK to be quiet efficient against slow and combo decks
I also made a Renathal Plague DK that seems to do well against Arcane Aggro Hunter. Somehow. I thought it’d be the opposite, but I think the Rustrot Vipers carry the matchup.
Decks that try to draw many cards are most affected by Plague DK
Challenge to the OP:
Now that you’ve told your story from your perspective, humor me and tell me the perspective of your opponent playing against you.
Since I made the deck, I’ve only played 10 games. As far as I can remember, I haven’t faced any really aggressive decks. Most of the decks I played against seemed slow and clunky. I believed that they were mostly combo decks.
It could be that combo decks are the only ones that the system matches me against, since it’s unsure about my deck’s classification.
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If it’s unsure about your classification, how did it pick you specifically for your opponent if it’s also trying to match the opponent against a specific deck?
Are you suggesting that all those combo decks specifically get matched against decks that are unclassified?
Ever think about the perspective from your opponent? What’s it doing to THEM? That’s what you didn’t answer.
I don’t understand the question. I am not my opponent, I can’t speak for them.
I believe you don´t understant more things, yet you think that you are sooo smart that you “outplayed the system” by creating so called off-meta deck which you demonstrated to us with huge sample size of 10 played games. Wow, I am impresed. Who knew that it is that simple - just play off-meta decks and you are good to go.
I suppose you need to switch your off-meta decks every 10 games or so because “the system” learns your deck and adapts eventualy? Am I right?
Relax, watch a comedy show, have a good laugh, and enjoy the rest of your day, sir.
Thank you for advice, that´s exactly what I am doing by reading your thread lol 
This is sooo incredibly ironic. Of course, you can’t. No conspiracy theorist can possibly imagine what it’s like for their opponents. Only if the conspiracy theorist themselves are losing is the game rigged, right?
PS: What shape is the tin foil hat you wear?
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Please don’t turn this thread into a negative one.
I found out why this deck is successful, and it’s because I added some strange cards like Cold Storage, location, and Suffusion. These cards made it difficult for the system to classify and counter the deck.
To show that it works, I played three games without the two locations and replaced them with cards that let me draw more cards. Unfortunately, I lost all three games against Thief Priest. Yes, I qeued against 3 Theft Priest in a row. Then, I switched back to the original deck and played three more games against Arcane Hunter, Mage, and Earthen Paladin. I won all three games with relatively no effort.
Please don’t take my story too seriously. Think of it as a story like Pinocchio tells before bedtime. Have a good day, sir.
But, if you would like to try it, test it out yourself, try making a deck with 10 spells, 6-8 small minions, 6-8 big minions, locations + weapons. Mix it all up with nonsensical combinations.
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Well technically since the op isn’t conspiring with another, it isn’t a conspiracy at all. That’s the problem with folks throwing around the term conspiracy theory. Often, there’s no conspiracies at all, ha!
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what ? since when conspiracy theorists need another person to be one?
The deck is Totem Shaman…
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Since always. The word conspire implies that more than one individual is planning something illegal, harmful, etc, with another person or group.
You can’t conspire to do anything by yourself.